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Angel Montoya

"Would you look at that. You've had shrimp twice today now" My mouth opened in shock.

I will never live what i told him down.

We were just lying down on the bed, my head on his shoulder and his arm around my back with his fingers tapping my skin. "Shut up"

"See how you're mine and i'm yours"

"Sex doesn't prove anything." I stated, "I'm still not getting back with you and don't trust you"

"But you still love me?" He asked softly.

I don't know why but the whole night he's been trying to get me to say it back. And every single time he tries i have the urge to say it back because i honestly love him but i refrain myself from saying it...

until now

"I do still love you" I admit, "But that's not enough"

"What?" He asked cluelessly.

"You saying you love me and having sex with me isn't enough for me to look past everything Vinnie. I can't just forget what happened as if it didn't hurt me" I sat up on the bed not holding the sheets around me because i put his shirt on along with my underwear.

"I'm not asking you to forget about everything. I'm asking you to fix our relationship with me, we talk about everything, we deal with everything together." I sighed.

"I- I'm not ready" I know it's hurting him to hear this but it's hurting me just as bad. "Give me time"

"You didn't need time for this" He stated

"Neither did you"

"I'm not the one asking for time Angel. I'm more than ready i want to be with you" I shook my head. "If you were in my position wouldn't you want the same?"

I shook my head again, "No because i wouldn't be in your position. I wouldn't have done what you did"

"Just imagine if you were"

"Okay... i would do the same as you but now you put yourself in my shoes." I snapped, "You would not forgive me so fucking easily"

"Maybe if you let me explain you would understand everything and change your mind"

"I can't, i'm tired and i have a flight early tomorrow morning"

"Fine go to sleep and i'll write everything for you to read whenever." I've been holding off on letting him explain because i don't know if i'm mentally okay enough to know the truth.

Me being with him in this room right this moment is hard enough. It might not seem like it but it's confusing and it's bad for me.

"Unmute my number by the way." I smiled at his request. "So glad you didn't block me"

"How do you know i muted you?"

"I texted you and you didn't check your phone" Oh, "Can i get one last kiss? Before you leave tomorrow and i don't see you for who knows how long"

I looked at him with no expression on my face and no reply.

"Does your boyfriend know you're here?" I nodded jokingly. "Will he be mad about this"

"Yeah he knows i'm here for your mom" I know he's talking about Ryan so i'm not even gonna argue. "He shouldn't be mad."

"Why? You sleep with all your exes?"

"Mm yeah tomorrow is Gaels day so i have to be back." I joked.

"Cute" He smirked, "Make Fridays and Saturdays mine, busy girl" I laughed. "Oh and i've been thinking about our wedding" I raised a brow at him. "We were technically engaged, you said you would marry me"

"We were not engaged" I stated

"Whatever anyways i think September 14, 2024 or September 14,2030. Because that's our anniversary and it'll be a Saturday."

Damn this man has actually been looking into this stuff. That's actually so cute.

I might fold

"Vinnie" I shook my head but had a smile on my face, "I'm going to sleep." I laid down and faced away from him, "Goodnight"


When the car stopped in front of my parents house i basically flew to the front door. "You're gonna fall Angel!" My dad yelled from the car.

"I wanna see Sonny!" I yelled back as i opened the door and saw my baby run to me with his tail wagging. "Sonny!" I yelled as i kneeled down to his level to hug him. "I missed you so much" He licked my face and got close to me. "Aww my cute little Sonny boy." I struggled to carry him but i didn't want to put him down since he let me carry him like a baby.

"He's a good boy" My sister smiled, "He behaved the entire time"

"You're so cute Sonny" I kissed his head.

"But he slept in your room, he didn't wanna leave until it was time to eat or play outside." My favorite boy.

If there's one thing i love it's my Sonny Bunny. I love this puppy more than anyone or anything else. Love him more than i've ever loved myself. If anyone were to ever split us up i think i'd actually die.

"Thank you Payton" I smiled at her, "Are you ready?" She nodded.

"Hey Sonny" My dad greeted when he walked through the open doorway. "Hey Pay"

"Wow" She rolled her eyes, "Noticed after a dog." I laughed.

"He's my grandchild" He stated, "Gotta notice the baby first"I nodded in agreement. "Are you guys leaving already?"

"Yeah i have to pick up Sonny's meds on my way home" He nodded, "And groceries for miss Payton to eat."

"I'll send you money" He offered but i shook my head.

"It's okay dad i got it" I looked at Payton. "Let's go Payton" She nodded and walked away to her room. "When does mom get back?"

"I'm picking her up from the airport tomorrow afternoon."

The day after my hospital visit my mom had a work emergency in New Mexico so she left and my dad stayed. She left the same day i left to Seattle

When Payton came back with a suitcase being rolled next to her i began saying bye to my dad and hugged him."Drive safe princess" He kissed the top of my head, "Call me if you guys need anything" I nodded and pulled away so Payton could tell him bye.

"Bye dad" She hugged him.

"Bye P" He kissed the top of her head. "Las quiero mucho" I smiled. "Bye Sonny" He pet the dog in my hands.


"How was seeing your lover again?" Payton asked smiling.

"Not bad i guess" I continued driving with my eyes on the road, "I was mainly with his mom and Reggie so we didn't really talk" I lied.

"I hope you guys get back together"

"Why?" I asked confused. Payton shrugged and turned away.

"You guys were good together" She spoke quietly, "You guys will work everything out Ang"

I honestly hope so

The Last Time (Vinnie Hacker)Where stories live. Discover now