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Angel Montoya

Who knew adopting a dog would involve so much paperwork. I for one had no idea until actually going through the process myself.

It's been three days since i was at the animal shelter with Dani and Mary, there was so many cute dogs and cats but i immediately fell in love with a specific one... Sonny. Sonny (pronounced sunny) is a seven and a half week old rottweiler. He's the cutest puppy i've ever laid my eyes on and he will be mine any minute now.

The day after meeting Sonny i registered myself to be able to adopt animals and i got approved so i started the process to adopt him. Today someone from the shelter is bringing him but they're also doing a house check to make sure it's right for him here. I bought him everything yesterday.


"Come on Sonny look what i got for you" I grabbed one of the little squeaky balls from the floor and squished it. Sonny's head turned to me and he tried his best to get to me fast for the ball. "Go get it" I threw it towards the hallway. His little body ran past me into wherever the ball went.

While he was gone i heard him squeak the ball.

"Sonny!" He brought the ball back to me in his mouth, "Good boy! You're so cute baby" I lowered myself to pet him. "You would've loved Hera" At the shelter they told me Sonny loves cats, he loved this one kitten named Scar but she got adopted a few days ago. I was also told the person who took Sonny and his siblings named them all so they just never changed the names and i felt wrong changing it. As much as his name reminds me of him because he loved Carisi from SVU i didn't want to change his name.

I paid a lot for him because he has his 6-8 week vaccines already and he's already a bit trained meaning he pees where he's supposed to and poops there too but he enjoys biting. He doesn't like crates but he'll listen to go in it.

"Tomorrow we're going to visit my parents in Thousand Oaks" I was talking to Sonny but it seemed like i was talking to myself since he won't reply. He barked after i spoke which made me smile. "You're too cute"

My family doesn't live in the Los Angeles house anymore, everyone moved. My parents and Payton moved to a smaller house with four bedrooms which is a couple minutes away from Jordan and Rylies house which is also four bedrooms in Thousand Oaks. Mateo has been living with his girlfriend, Valentina, in their house in Oxnard since March.

I live the furthest in a big house because my parents enjoy spending money. This house was their graduation gift to me, they build a five bedroom for no reason, I am one person i don't need four other rooms. My backyard is so pretty and spacious there's a little golf course on the side and on the opposite side i have a little house that i'm thinking of making Sonny's so he won't be outside in the cold when he's bigger.

"Sonny bunny" He ran to me, "Sit" I held a treat in my hand which got him to listen and sit, "You're such a good boy sonny baby" I gave the treat to him, letting him eat it. "You're also very smart" I praised. "I need to go pack some clothes to leave tomorrow" I walked to my room with him following behind me and grabbed an overnight bag.

I'm not spending two hours driving so i'll just spend the night in my old room.

I packed some pajamas and regular clothes along with other stuff i'd need like a toothbrush although i'm sure my bathroom has one. Unless they already turned it into a guest bedroom like they said they would.

After packing my stuff i went ahead and got stuff for Sonny; pee pads, leash, travel bowls, food in a ziploc bag and other essentials.

"Stay im going to put this in the car" My hands were full with everything i packed but i managed to open the garage door. I placed things on the floor so i could open the trunk and i fixed everything.


"He's so cute!" My sister squealed as Sonny licked her cheek, "What a good boy" She pet him.

"Why didn't you have to pay anything for him? He's a rottie." My dad asked, observing the puppy play with my sister.

"I did pay but the adoption fees which was nothing towards him. But his old owners were messed up to him and his siblings so they would mistreat them. The neighbors called the cops on them and the puppies got taken from them but put into a shelter a few days before i went and saw him. His siblings were also adopted but there's two left if you guys want one."

"We are barely home Angel" My mom spoke up from beside Payton, "I'd love a dog but we wouldn't be able to give it enough attention. Im surprised you got him since you're going to school in a few days"

"I didn't sign up for a lot of classes during the summer i only registered for one" I just did one to have an excuse to move to Santa Barbara early. "And it's only on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and a half so i'll be home most of the time with Sonny. Or i'll be taking him out when i'm not in class."

"And what about during fall semester"

"He'll be older and i'll train him to be more independent" I do think my fall semester will be busy so i don't know how i'd give as much attention to Sonny, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I walked away and heard a thump on the floor and felt something on my feet so i looked down. Its my little baby following me. "Come on then Sonny Bunny"

I grabbed one of his toys on the way and we went to the bathroom but he was busy playing with his little squeaky bee plush.

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