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Angel Montoya
TW: Body dysmorphia, mentions of bulimia and self harm

"Why'd you want to come to the gym with me?" My brother questioned suspiciously. "I've invited you many times before and you rejected me"

"I don't know Jordan i guess i feel weak and want to gain muscle." Partial lie, i do feel weak but i don't care for muscle i just want to lose the fat on my body.

"You know you could tell me anything right?" I nodded knowing he could see through my lies. "I'm still your brother and just because we haven't lived together since March doesn't mean i don't care about what goes on with you. I will always be here and i know something is going on with you"

"Nothing is going on with me"

"Okay then talk to me abou-"

"No." I know what he was gonna say. Talk to me about your breakup. "I can't tell you that, i don't want to talk about it"

"Have you ate?" No

"Yes cereal at my house" If Sonny could talk i'm sure he'd snitch the second someone steps foot inside my house.

"What kind?"

"Froot Loops" I lied, "Why are you interrogating me"

"Because i care about you"

"Shut up" I looked out the window as he continued driving.

"What time do you leave tomorrow?" I turned my head to him and furrowed my brows, "To Seattle?"

I forgot that i was even going. "Um 9 pm" I had to check my phone for the confirmation. I leave tomorrow night and i'll be there all of the 13 and 14 then leave on the 15.

"Are you staying at their house?" I shook my head, turning to pay attention to my window again.





All that's going through my head right now. I pressed the arrow meaning i'm increasing my speed on the treadmill to go faster and make me run more.

Best weight loss exercises


I need to run.

I pressed the arrow once more, going to the next level.

I'm having trouble keeping up, i am out of shape. I am bigger than i should be. I have stretch marks where i shouldn't. I have rolls where i shouldn't. I should look like those models on magazine covers but i don't. I am huge.


I increased the level/ speed.

I'm too big for my height. I shouldn't weigh this much.

Im ugly... i'm fat... i'm pathetic.


You're hideous Angel. Lose weight. Be better. You're disgusting.


I can't keep running but i also can't give up. That'd make me lazy and a quitter. I don't want to be either.

So i keep running. I keep running even when the room starts spinning. I keep running even when i can't breathe correctly. I kept running until i couldn't even hold myself up.

"Oh God!" I heard a scream.

Why is she yelling? I'm not running anymore.

"Angel!" Oh a familiar voice. I opened my eyes, meeting some familiar greenish ones.

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