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Angel Montoya

"We're so glad you guys could make it today" Dave spoke with a smile. He was at his house i'm assuming, i'm in a studio room between Josh and Bryce, Bri is at a different location. "I thought it was only gonna be Angel at first though but Bri said Bryce would come along too."

"Angel told me she wanted Bryce with her so she won't be as nervous" I nodded, agreeing with Bri's words.

"Okay well we should start" Josh spoke and everyone agreed.

"Angel Celeste or Montoya? Which do you go by?" Dave asked which made me laugh nervously.

"Any is fine Celeste is my middle name, Montoya is my last name."

"Angel C how about that?" I laughed and nodded. "Google trends, most of them when i searched your name were boy related?"

"She had a lot of boy drama" Bryce spoke up, "But that's all over"

"Yeah" I agreed.

"That's good to hear, now what i wanna hear is why you rejected us when we asked you to come on the pod a few months ago. You too Bryce you rejected us but now you come on."

I laughed, "I was still in school, i was busy doing college apps, college essays, regular school work, brand deals, stuff like that"

"Still spent a lot of time with the white boy of the year" Oh

"Yeah i mean i did a lot of my work at his house" I admit, "I'd go over during school days and be in his room doing my assignments"

"Congrats on your graduation by the way" I thanked Bri, "What college are you going to?"

"UC Santa Barbara"

"Damn congratulations Angel" I smiled at Josh, "We have a... what are you guys?"


"We have a guacho on our pod everybody"

"This is actually the first time i witness Bryce be so quiet" Bri spoke, laughing.

"It's not my episode, i'm here for support and company. You know i'm actually her second choice?" Oh my God.

"Why second?" Josh questioned.

"Amelie couldn't make it so she asked me literally an hour before we came here" I laughed and shook my head, "Don't deny it."

"Amelie isn't in California right now, i didn't even ask her. I told you i would've asked her but she's not here so i went to you."


We finished all the serious conversations and Bri started talking to me about kiss, marry, kill. It was fun but i didn't know if it was right to answer, still did though.

"Okay Angel, the three guys on the pod kiss marry or kill." I widened my eyes.

"Sorry Dave i'd kill you"

"I figured, i'm too old for you"

"Um kiss Josh and marry Bryce or wait honestly it doesn't matter what order them two are at because i couldn't kiss any of them."

"Okay Bryce kiss marry kill, Angel Addison Riley"

"Kill Addison, kiss... this is just a game so i don't want people saying shit but i'd kiss Angel marry Riley."

"Aw i love Briley" I looked at Bryce who flipped me off. "Bri your turn, um Josh Taylor Griffin"

"Kill Taylor, kiss Griff, marry Josh."

"That's exactly what i would've picked"

"Okay wait someone give me one" I laughed at Josh's request.

"Ness, Angel, Mads" Dave laughed, "There go ahead"

"Kill Nessa, marry this one, kiss Madison"

"This one?" I questioned, glaring at Josh

He turned to me and smiled, nodding his head.

"Red hair looks nice on you" He grabbed a strand of my hair and brought it up to see the color, "It's a nice color"

"That's why i chose it" I took my hair out of his hold and looked back at the screens in front of me.

"Whyd you go red?" Bri asked

"I just wanted a change so i went for it" She smiled, "My sister in law and Amelie helped"


"You guys were probably the best episode" Josh said as he took a bite of the pizza slice in his hand.

We finished filming thirty minutes ago and decided to go eat since Bryce got hungry from seeing an ad on his phone.

"It was awkward at first" I laughed.

"Yeah but then you got comfortable and didn't stop talking" I opened my mouth, slightly offended, "Not in a bad way"

"Thank you" I watched as he took another bite and chewed.

"Why aren't you eating?" Bryce asked from next to me.

"I'm cutting carbs out" I lied. I don't have it in me to tell them i haven't been eating, especially not since eating at Urth Caffe yesterday.

I ate with Payton but since that was the first actual meal i forced myself to eat, i ended up throwing it up all over the Urth bathroom. I haven't ate since then.

"That sucks, this pizza is top tier" Bryce spoke with food in his mouth. He did it to annoy me.

"Thats good for you guys, i'll stick to my water" I took a sip from my straw, "My mom made some enchiladas so i'll probably eat that when i get home" That's a partial lie, she did make them but i will not be eating.

"Oh Cass cooked?" Bryce asked excited, i just nodded. "She's such a good chef"

"She is" Josh agreed.

"You guys can go eat i just have to ask"

"No it's okay" I nodded.

"Angel" I looked at Bryce so he could continue talking, "Are you going to the tiktokers vs youtubers fight still?"

"I'm honestly not sure" I let out a breath, "There's a chance but i'm not sure" I wish i was able to go support everyone but i don't think i'd be able to face him yet.

"If you end up going and your seat sucks, i'll save you a seat next to me" Josh offered which made me smile, "Or you can sit far away, however you want."

"I might take your offer if i end up going" Josh smiled.


When i got home my family had just sat down to eat, they asked me if i wanted to join them but i told them i ate pizza with the guys which they believed so i went to my old room, Sonny following behind me like the cute baby he is.

I began gathering my stuff so i could go back to my own house and not take up this room for much longer.

"Sonny bunny we're going home in a little" I babied the puppy who was running around in the room, "I just need to get our stuff together love bug"

The Last Time (Vinnie Hacker)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя