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Vincent Hacker

I enjoy being around Angel. Even if it's just to get stuff for her dog and her being with me not by choice.

Like now... we came to get Sonny food and i only got to come because i told her i needed stuff for Hera. We've made conversation which honestly feels normal which is why we went from going to Petco to now being inside Costco.

"Here hold this so i can get that box" She handed me her purse so i just put it on my shoulder since it's one with the long strap.

"You know you could just ask me to get it for you right?" She shook her head, "I'm literally right here Ang-"

"I do not need a man to help me." She stated very seriously, "Im independent" She went on her tippy toes to reach the box but struggled to even touch the corner. "You see i could reach it"

I leaned against the shelf and watched her with an amused look on my face. "No, yeah i could see. You're so independent" I chuckled.

"Shut up you're distracting me" I shook my head still watching as she struggled.

"Move" I finally gave in and moved her to the side.

"I told you i don't need-" I brought the box down before she could even finish her sentence. "Okay mister 'i'm gonna box against Deji' i could've gotten that if you weren't staring at me" I hummed while i put the box in the cart.

"I'm just gonna let you talk because if you actually carried that box you'd know it's heavy" When i turned to her she had rolled her eyes. "Now where's the thank you i deserve"

"You don't" She walked away, pushing the cart in front of her.

"Yes i do" I followed behind her, "You're so stubborn"


"Hard headed" I spoke again which made her only him, "Stiff-necked" She laughed

"And you're still trying to get me back so who's the real stiff necked one?"

"That's different." I heard her groan, "You are being stubborn to deny your feelings for me and i'm being stubborn to win you back"

"I'm not denying any feelings" She stated, "All of the feelings are very much here i'm just not expressing them... to you"

"You need to communicate with me Angel"

"Not at Costco i don't" I rolled my eyes, "No if you wanna talk about my 'feelings' then it'll be in a private setting where no one hears." She put up air quotes with her fingers when saying feelings.

"Okay let me ask one thing and then i'll leave you alone for now" Angel heavily sighed but nodded. "Do you still love me?"

She stopped walking to look at me. "You want the truth?"


"I do love you"

"Pemdas" I stated, "I love you, you love me. Cancels out the bad" She giggled

"Not how it works. Pemdas would cancel out the love" I shook my head, "Look let's just get one last thing here and then we could go to your place to talk, no funny business"

"As in what?"

"My clothes are staying on."

"Oh i don't need it off" I smirked but she rolled her eyes and walked away again. "Okay fine no funny business"

"Thank you"


"Let me call Payton first" I nodded. Her phone was connected to the car so you could hear the dialing loud and clear. The music was now obviously paused so she could be on the phone.

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