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Vincent Hacker

As i look down at the video playing on my phone i'm unsure if i should be jealous or happy. Jealous because someone recorded a hug between Josh and Angel, it looked more than a friendly hug. Happy because she's talking to more people now, Bryce is in the background of the video just waiting for them to go separate ways.

I can't stop watching it. She looks different.

Her hair is bright red, she's not in her usual clothes. She's wearing regular jeans with a regular size shirt which she'd never usually wear. It seems like a normal outfit but not for her, she would wear oversized clothes or crop tops and stuff like that. She's wearing converse... i've never seen her wear converse.

This looks nothing like my Angel.

Maybe this was always her but i never payed attention. Even she knows that's bullshit, i always payed attention to her, always will.

"Maybe you should dump that down the drain" Jack tried taking the bottle of beer from my hand but i didn't let him. "Vinnie i'm serious, you can't keep going like this. Do you think shed be happy with you if she saw this"

"She could care less" I drank more from the glass bottle, "Maybe she'll forgive me if i just i don't know... stopped breathing"

"Vinnie don't say that."

"No at this rate that's the only way she'll be able to be in the same room as me" I chuckled.

"You'd just hurt her way more if you act on whatever you're thinking." That's just it, im not thinking. I'm just talking. "She loves you she wouldn't forgive you if you ever did anything like that."

"Then what am i supposed to do? Am i supposed to just let her go? Never get the one person i actually love back?" I couldn't stop the tears from escaping, i've held them in for too long. "I can't do that, i don't want to be without her."

"Vinnie" Jack had his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way, "Maybe it'd be for the best, you can't be dependent on her"

"I'm not i just miss her" I looked down, trying to avoid his gaze, "I miss her hugs, i miss her kisses, i miss her scent"

"Jett help me get him to his bed" He forced the bottle out of my hand and forced me to walk. "You need some rest and you'll feel better in the morning" Will i though?

"Come on Vinnie" Jett helped me and i made it to my bed. "You'll be okay, everything will work out. If you guys are truly meant to be then you'll find a way back to eachother."

His words were so comforting yet they weren't enough.

It turns out i was tired because i don't even know how long it took until my eyes closed.


Waking up in the morning was a pain... my head was killing me and i have no idea why. I was not drunk, i was just sad.

When i got up from bed i went straight to the bathroom, took a long well deserved shower and got dressed after brushing my teeth. I then went to the kitchen where my two friends were already eating.

"Hey im uh sorry about yesterday" I apologized looking at both of them, "I didnt mean anything that i said i was just missing her"

"You don't need to apologize we understand Vin" I smiled and walked to the door. "Are you gonna eat?" Jack asked when i saw i wasn't stopping in the kitchen.

"Uh no i have to go for training but i'll grab something on the way" He nodded and i walked out, straight to my car and drove off.

I live alone, Jett and Jack don't live with me but they stay over often to check on me. I trust those two so much so i don't care about them being there while im gone. They understand i have training for most of the day and they don't interfere with that.

On my way to the training gym where i meet Tyler at, i stopped for some breakfast but ate it on the way.  Anytime i go inside the gym Tyler does this thing where he tries jump scaring me to get me to expect the unexpected but bro does it everyday so i do expect it by now. I'll admit he got me the first two times but by the third time i was expecting it.

So here i am walking into the gym knowing Tyler will jump out at me any second now.


Suddenly an arm with a boxing glove covering the hand popped out in front of me but didn't touch me.

"Boom!" Tyler yelled, not scaring me at all. "See one look away from the opponent and your pretty face will be hit Vinnie boy." I laughed and continued walking in.

"Hey Ty" I greeted when i got to the ring. "I just love being greeted with your gloved hand popping up in front of my face. It really makes my day"

"I'm preparing you for unexpected stuff" He approached me and took the glove off, throwing it in the boxing ring.

"It's working because now it's totally expected... from you" He laughed.

"Did he try scaring you again?" I heard Liam from beside us, now approaching us. Liam is also my trainer, he helps Tyler train me.

"He did" I confirmed which made Liam shake his head with a smile on his face.

"Okay lets warm up a bit and then you'll start on jump rope" I nodded and followed both guys to get some equipment.


"You did great Hacker" I shook Liams hand. "Your fight is in what?"

"A month and eight days" Tyler spoke from behind me, "You're honestly improving since the first time you came here" I smiled.

"So you think i'll win?" I asked curiously.

"I do" Tyler spoke sincerely, "I am positive you will"

I hope i do

The Last Time (Vinnie Hacker)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora