Chapter 15: The True Form of a Goddess

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Elaina's POV

I am staring into the ice cold eyes of a goddess.

A being who could end my life at the blink of an eye but, I don't care.

The whole way over, Meloney explained everything.

I was such a fool for reacting that way and when I heard about the pain that I was causing her I wished I could sprout wings myself in order to get to her faster.

Every moment that we've spent apart has been torture.

All I've wanted is to bury myself against her chest and stay wrapped in her arms forever.

I need to feel her breath on my skin. I need to see her gorgeous eyes. I need to hear her voice.

When I hugged her just now I felt so much joy.

Just being in her presence made me feel as if my world could continue to spin.

I know the pain I felt was only superficial compared to what she's been going through but i have to fix her.

Even if she doesn't choose to be with me in the end, I can't go on knowing that I broke her.

I will stay by her side and pick up every fragment of her until she can stand tall again.

Nothing, including her mother who looks as if she wants nothing more than to rip me to shred, can take her away from me.

"Mother please. Don't harm her!"

I see her hand reach up to try and deflect the vines but she soon collapses onto my back from exhaustion.

I immediately turn my back on the goddess ready to strike me and wrap my arms around her, softly caressing her head.

"Stop Celeste. Don't worry about me. Rest."

I gently rock her in my arms as her breathing becomes shallow.

I don't even pay Aphrodite any mind as i wrap a blanket around her shaking body.

"Are you not concerned about your own safety human?"

I shake my head as I wipe the sweat from Celeste face.

"Do what you wish to me."

I see the vines retract out of the corner of my eyes and I brace for the impact.

Celeste looks behind me and her eyes widen.


Suddenly we're both surrounded by her wings and I feel my body become lighter for a moment. Normally when I'm in her wings, it's as if  I'm surrounded by a curtain but I can see small holes within her feathers.

"Oh Cece..."

We travel for only a moment before we land roughly at the edge of the pond by the large tree. I ease up off of the ground and when I see her, she's laying underneath the tree barely conscious.


I rush over and lay her against my chest as I sit up against the tree.

My Guardian Angel is a GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now