Chapter 8: Silly Little Devil

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"Be fuckin forreal Ce. You're not spending the weekend cooped up in here when there are plenty of beautiful women out there that need your attention."

I roll my eyes as I continue to bounce a ball off the wall while laying across her bed.

"And what if I don't want to give them this needed attention? I just want to chill. Lay low for a little while."

She tilts her head at me as she sits next to me, causing the bed to bounce a little.

"What's eating you up hon? You've been kind of down lately."

I shrug, catching the ball and laying my head on my folded arms.

"It's that girl isn't it?"

My cheeks heat up and I quickly turn my head away.

"I don't know what your talking about."

She rolls her eyes.

"Cece you know the rules. That girl is really putting a number on you. It's written all over your face."

I groan and bury my face in my arms.

Why does she have to be right all of the time?

I know what my attraction to Elaina is doing but I can't stop.

It's like she's a drug that I can't put down.

Meloney sighs and lays her head on my back as she stares up at the ceiling.

"Well let's talk about something other than girls. Do you know what you're going to do when you can finally leave this hell hole and go back home?"

My eyes light up and I flip over so that I'm laying on my back and she's laughs because she's now on my

"Yes holy shit I've got so many plans! Staying in this small apartment made me realize that I lowkey have too much space in my one room. I shouldn't have to fly from the bed to the dining area. That's too much! Here it's what like 4 steps and I'm there? Also, I wonder how my mother would feel about adding grass?"

Meloney laughs and  tries to cover her mouth. "In Mount Olympus? I don't think you can plant things in clouds honey."

I scoff and softly pet her head. "Oh you silly little devil. I can do whatever I want."

She rolls her eyes and pushes my hand away. "Okay miss I can't control my powers."

I hold my hand my chest and gasp causing her to laugh. "I'm getting there!"

In the midst of our laughter, I feel a pain begin to grow in my chest. I clench my hand around my heart and groan as I lay back onto the bed.

"Hey hey easy. It was funny but not that funny."

A whimper escapes my lips as a tear falls from my eyes. "It hurts. Make it stop."

She quickly sits up and pulls me to her as it begins to feel as if my heart is burning in my chest.

What's going on?

I feel my mind traveling as it did before and I can see inside of Elaina's house.

Why am I here?

I look around and I see Cedric talking to Elaina in the kitchen.

I start to walk towards them when I see her caress his face.

"How much longer are you going to make me wait baby?"

She playfully rolls her eyes and pulls him toward her bedroom. I watch as their lips lock with one another and I try my best to go back to Meloney but I can't break free.

She opens the door and he locks onto her neck causing a small whine to come from her. As he's pushing her inside, she looks up towards me and I can feel our eyes meet. Her brow furrows a bit and as the door closes, I take in a large amount of air as I'm slammed back into my body with Meloney.

"Jesus CE! What happened??"

I release a shaky breath as I feel the completion of my final task rip through me.

"She's gone."

Those two words broke me as I sobbed into my best friends chest.

This is what my mother warned me about.

The reason you never want to fall for a human.

Meloney rocks me in her arms as I wail in pure agony.

Nothing can compare to the pain of a broken heart.

Sorry if this one is a little short! I went on a bit of a hiatus but it's time to get these stories done !

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