Chapter 7: What Will We Do?

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Celeste's POV

"Let's go with the red ones. No the blue! Maybe the white?"

Cedric face palms himself as the florist gives him a puzzled expression.

"Sir, are you sure you only want one flower? We have plenty of bouquets to choose from."

"Ugh,I don't know! I've never done this before but I feel like I need to?"

I sigh from my perch in the rafters as I watch the scene unfold below me.

For the past few days I've been trying my best to coach Cedric so that he can get on Elainas good side, but this guy is hopeless.

Obviously I can't appear as myself, so I've been changing my appearance to resemble a guy more in hopes that it will make him trust me a little bit.

It seems to be working, but he's still pretty clueless.

Just the other day I convinced him to get her her favorite coffee and take it to her while she's studying but he decided that she would prefer a beer instead.

She doesn't even like beer.

Unfortunately, this got him kicked out of her house and put them In an even worse spot.

I rest my head back against the pillar as I try to think of something else. "Why did you give me this task mother? These two aren't even compatible."

My eyes widen as an image of Elaina appears in my mind.

At first I thought it was a memory but then I realize that I'm seeing her In real time.

Am I in her house?

As I said before, I did my best to avoid my godly duties so I don't have the best handle on all of my abilities yet.

This one particularly is new.

Okay now this is getting creepy.

I try my best to break the link but I'm having trouble.

I don't even know what started it.

I sigh in defeat and decided to just watch.

She's in her studio painting.

I turn my head and I can surprisingly see everything around me.

Almost like when you put on a Vr headset and can see the whole room. "Damn it."

She grabs the canvas and puts it off to the side before grabbing another one.

I move a little closer to her and notice that there are a few unfinished canvases on the ground.

"What is she trying to do?"

She stops painting and I freeze.

Did she hear me just now?

She turns around towards me and I can't breathe.

She tilts her head as she looks around me. "Is someone there?"

I wave my hand in front of her face but she doesn't see it.


When my hand moves away though, our eyes lock.

I know she can't see me, but she's looking right at me. "Celeste?"

I gasp.

All of a sudden, I feel myself appear before her and she jumps. "Okay, I could really use a warning when you're about to do your little fairy godly thing."

I touch my hands to my arms and chest before taking a deep breath.

"Well that was different."

She raises an eyebrow at me and i let out a nervous laugh before shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Sorry for popping in like this love. I didn't mean to intrude."

She shrugs and goes back toward the canvas. "I thought I heard you here but I couldn't be sure."

She glances back at me. "We're you spying on me?"

My cheeks turn red as I frantically wave my hands.

"No no no! I just uhh...decided to pop in and see how things are going?"

She gives me a slight smile, clearly not buying it but she lets it go.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a couple days."

I take a seat next to her and watch as she begins to paint. "I've been umm...busy."

I look away as the task begins to pull at me again.

"Busy trying to fix my relationship?"

I nod and she sighs before lowering the brush.

"Must you keep trying?"

I look up at her and as soon as I see the tear leave her eye, I reach up and softly brush it away.

"Elaina. You know we can't.."


I jump a little at her outburst but I don't let her go.

"Don't you even want to try?"

I bite my lip before dropping my head.

"I want nothing more than to be with you. It's all I think about. All that I crave. I would give all of this up just to have you."

She gasps and gently cups my face. She raises my head and looks at me with those stunning eyes.

"You'd give up your abilities?"

I slowly nod my head. "But...your wings."

I glance back over my shoulder and sigh before placing my own hands on her cheek.

"I don't understand this Elaina. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to stay up on my cloud and never step foot in the mortal world but make me want to stay."

She chokes up a little before easing into my lap.

I wrap my arms tightly around her as she weeps into the crook of my neck.

"I don't want to go but I must. My mother would be so upset with me if I disobeyed her."

She sniffs as she clings to my neck. "Moms get mad all the time though. It's normal."

I chuckle a little before kissing the top of her head.

"Yes we'll I don't have a very typical mother. She threatened to clip my wings if I didn't complete my tasks to her liking."

I feel her fingers glide over the spots on my back where my wings rest, a slight sight escaping my lips.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore...but I don't want to be away from you either."

Tears threaten to fall from my own eyes as I feel her small frame cling to me a bit tighter.

"What are we going to do Celeste?"

I lean my head back against the headrest on the chair and sigh.

"I don't know love. I really don't."

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