Chapter 6: The Final Task

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Celeste's POV

Her face drops in disbelief as she staggers away from me.

"What do you mean I'm your final task?"

I sigh, plopping onto the bed.

The look she is giving me makes my heart want to run to her as fast as I can, but I have to do this or else my mother won't be pleased.

"When I am given a task I must complete it. I have to find the male in the relationship and help him patch things up with the female because, let's face it, it's usually the guys fault. Once they make up, my task is complete and I'm free to roam as I please until the next task appears."

She sits beside me, the pieces falling into place in her mind.

"So you're supposed to fix my relationship? With Cedric?"

I nod.

"I know everything there is to know about you two. From your first date, to your last fight. Even the fact that you two haven't had sex. Which is the main problem."

Her cheeks turn red before she shakes it off.

"How could you possibly know all of that?"

I raise my eyes up towards my wings and she blushes again.

"Right. Well...what if I don't want you to fix it?"

My eyes perk up as she turns to face me.

"Why wouldn't you want that?"

I ask with a chuckle. "He's your boyfriend for a reason."

She shrugs her shoulder and looks away.

I can feel her energy coming off of her and it saddens me. She

is confused for obvious reasons, but there is a strong sense of anxiety and fear coming off of her as well.

Is it my wings?

I start to ease them back in when she quickly looks up and reaches for them.

"Wait no! I...I like looking at them."

My cheeks turn red as her fingers graze one my the feathers.

A soft smile appears on her lips when it twitches a little.

"That tickled." I laugh nervously as she eases closer.

"So you've been like my guardian Angel this whole time? Is that why we kept meeting?"

I laugh a little, leaning back against the headboard.

"Not necessarily. Im a goddess but I've been reduced to angel work for now. You were never a target for me until now. We just...kept meeting coincidentally."

She rolls her eyes as she eases on top of me a little, admiring each layer on my wings. 

"You mean to tell me that you're a goddess and don't believe in fate?"

I shrug and for a moment we just talk.

She asks me all kinds of questions about my life back home. She's so fascinated about how differently we both live.

I didn't think it was all that interesting but I guess it would be quite amazing to a mortal.

I feel her shift on top of me and tilt my head.

"Not comfortable?"

She bites her lip as she looks beside me at my wings.

"Would it hurt if i..."

I roll my eyes and wrap one of my wings around her like a blanket before pulling her down beside me.

"This is so cool!"

We both laugh at her silliness.

I feel her hand rest on my chest as she looks up at me.

Her whole demeanor has changed.

Her energy feels so free and happy. So warm and bright.

I watch as her eyes fall down to my lips.

I feel a heat rising in my core and I have to shift a little.

She smiles, Clearly knowing the effect she has on me as she leans over my face.

"Not getting nervous are you?"

I scoff, placing my hands on either side of her hips.

"You're funny." 

She leans her head on top of mine and takes a deep breath.

I feel her entire body relax against me and it feels so good.

It's like we were meant to be in this exact position together.

I want to kiss her.

I want to feel that roaring flame that builds inside of me when we connect like that.

She slide her leg over my body so that she's fully straddling me and I feel as if I can't breath.

"You sure you're not nervous?"

I can't speak.

This woman has me lost in her.

She smirks knowing the effect she has on me as her lips trail along my neck.

"Elaina I-" my voice catches when I feel her teeth graze my skin.

I want this. I want her so bad.

But I have to complete the task.

No matter how badly I want to prevent it.

"Why won't you do it with him?"

Her movements stop and she looks down at me confused.

"Why does it matter?"

I sit up a little and sigh. "You love him don't you?"

She hesitates.

I know the answer but she won't say it.

I can feel the conflicting feeling s battling in her heart.

"I need to go to him now. Before it gets too late."

Panic fills the room as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Do you have to? Why do you have to fix things? What about us?"

My eyes soften as I hear the crack in her voice.

I feel my own heart crack at the sound knowing that we can never be.

"I must go now." I say as I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes begin to droop as sleep overcomes her.

"Celeste. Don't leave me." She whispers before falling in to a deep slumber.

I ease out from under her and tuck her in to bed.

"I'm so sorry Elaina. I wish I didn't have to leave."

I brush a tear from my eye before leaping from the window and flying towards Cedric's location.

It's time to just get this over with.

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