Chapter 10: Stay

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My palms begin to sweat as I feel Elaina clutch onto my wings behind me.

I can't leave. Not yet.

"Erm, actually mother. I need to stay a bit longer."

Her steps freeze as my words hit her ears.

"Stay? What on earth for?"

My throat dries as I try to think up an excuse that won't raise suspicion.

"Through my own research, I've discovered that the mortals are worse off than I feared. I've started a little side project to try to get things back on track but, I need a little more time."

Her brow furrows as she steps toward me. Her tall figure surpassing my own as she looms overhead.

"You never mentioned this "project" before."

I shrug calmly as I look past her gaze.

"I knew you'd want me to stay focused on my tasks so I started it when my tasks for the day were completed. It was going to be a umm...surprise."

She tilts her head. Her eyes examining my face in a way only a mother would.

"That is quite out of character for you my child."

I shrug, locking eyes with her once more.

"I feel I've...matured since coming here. I have a new found respect for my position."

She crosses her arms across her chest and her eyes darken a bit.

"You've fallen for a mortal, haven't you?"

My heart sinks as a panic runs through me.

I can't waiver.

If she finds out the truth she will yank me from this place and I'll never see anything more than the clouds again.

Elaina, please understand.

I have to do this if we're going to stay together.

"A mortal? Heavens no! Mother I have some class. I could never fall for one of them. It's hard enough being around them but, I'm trying to change that. You are the goddess of Love and compassion. I am your descendant. You have so much more pressing things on your plate than dealing with this rabble. That's why I want to stay here. To earn my birth right and prove to you that I can breathe some good in the lives of these poor souls. I just need a bit more time."

I feel as if my heart is going to fly out of my chest and onto the ground before her as she analyzes my face.

A soft smile comes across her lips as she cups my face in her hands.

"That's my darling. Finally thinking like a true goddess. Fine. I shall grant you're request but don't stay too long! I do miss having you home." She places a soft kiss on the top of my head and l feel a huge weight being lifted from me.

The shackles that bound me to the earth break at my sides before fading away and I can feel my true power re emerging.

"Ah yes. You are now free to roam as you please. Stay as long as you like but once you return home, you cannot come back here for some time. Traveling between our world and the mortal world too often can be very damaging to their environment. It also makes our hair look rather strange."

I nod my head and step forward to embrace my mother but I make sure Elaina stays hidden.

"I will return mother. I promise."

She smiles down at me and pats my head before extending her own wings and flying towards the heavens.

I watch her glide through the sky, still as amazed as ever at how magnificent she is.

My mother is still my Hero. I think so highly of her and I want her approval so badly.

Sadly, she'll never accept this.

When she's out of site, I release a deep breath, relieved that things went more smoothly than expected.

I retract my wings with a slight groan since the got a little stiff and turn towards Elaina.

"Is that true?"

I tilt my head at her as she looks up at me, tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"Is it really that hard to be around me? To even fathom being in love with me?"

I flinch at the sound of her voice cracking and reach out to hold her.

"Elaina I didn't mean that. I just had to say something to get her to let me stay. You know how I feel about you."

She brushes my hand away as I reach for her cheek and I feel that stabbing pain in my chest again.

"No. I don't think I do."

She pushes past me and rushes off out of the woods.

I want to go after her, but I can't seem to move.

The pain radiating off of her is so Powerful that it's making my head spin.

This is my reality.

I must live to please my mother but also be true about my feelings about Elaina.

I'm afraid of my mother finding out but the fear of losing that girl outweighs everything.

As I watch her retreating figure go out of view, I know I'm going to have a lot of work ahead of me if I want her to look at me the same.

My Guardian Angel is a GoddessDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu