Chapter 4: Walls Of Glass

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Celeste's  POV:

"Yes mother. I have been fulfilling my duties as requested." I sigh as my mother invades my mind to ask how things are going.

She checks in every now and then but sometimes it's not at the best of times.

She said if she calls and hears another moaning woman that she's going to force me into a chastity belt but I think she's bluffing. "Alright child. Keep up the good work so you can come home. I do miss you dearly."

A small smile forms on my lips as I turn the corner.

I love my mother and I know she means well by doing this to me.

I just wish she would've chosen something a bit less stressful. "My goddess,the guests will be arriving soon."

I chuckle when I hear her pout as I walk up to the door. "Oh poo. I must go now my darling but do inform me if you have any trouble down there. I love you."

"I will mother. I love you too." I feel the link break and I sigh as I run my hand across my face.

If she misses me so bad, why doesn't she just let me come home?

I look up at Elainas door and feel a warmth take over me once more.

At our last meet up, we exchanged numbers and have been texting and calling one another non stop since. She invited me over today to see her paintings but I have to admit I'm a little nervous.

We've been alone together a lot lately and each time I feel this strange connection with her getting stronger and stronger.

This time, we're going to be alone in her house.

Now, me being me, I love to have fun with women but something about Elaina is different.

She's still a virgin for heaven sake.

Perhaps this is the thing mother was warning me about with mortals.

I need to keep my guard up before something-

"Oh great you're here!" Suddenly the door opens and I feel my heart begin to race.

There she stood with her light brown hair up in a bun and an apron on covered in paint.

She even had a little bit on her face yet she still looked gorgeous. "Uhh yeah I umm.."

she smiles at me and quickly pulls me inside. "I've been working on a piece all day and I can't wait to show it to you!"

I allow her to drag me to the back of her house and when we step into the studio, my breath is taken away.

It is an all glass building full of plants and canvases.

The natural light coming in is beautiful and you'd think it would be a bit warm inside but she has it insulated enough to where it's comfortable to be in there but it doesn't take away from the beauty.

"Sorry it's a little cluttered in here. I love plants almost as much as I love to paint. Let me get you a chair. Now where did I put that stool..."

I watch as she leans against a post to think and I'm speechless.

As the sun rays shine down onto her, I feel as though I have never seen a more beautiful being.

My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest I just know she can hear it. "I'm fine standing... you look-"

"Oh! Let me show you what I've been working on!"

She leads me over to a back corner where a canvas is set up and shows me a beautiful painting of the pond we always go to. "It's so beautiful there. I'm trying my best to capture it but I'm not sure if I..."

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