Chapter 9: Stubborn Woman

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The day has finally come.

My mother will be here soon to finally relieve me of these chains and take me away from this retched place.

I chose to meet her at the oasis I found during my stay here.

I saw so much hatred and darkness during my time here. I'd like for my final moments here to be filled with peace and beauty.

I sigh as I lean my head back against the tree. The sounds of the water and the trees being briefly interrupted by familiar footsteps.

"I wish to be alone."

She proceeds to sit anyways and I sigh.

Stubborn woman.

I don't speak to her and she doesn't speak to me.

The silence between us isn't uncomfortable though. It actually adds to the peace.

A part of me believes that I actually wanted her to come. That I chose this spot in hopes that before I left this world I could see her one more time.

Even if she wasn't mine.

The wind blows between us and Elaina scoots a little closer.

She lays her head on my shoulder and I can't stop myself from looking down at her.

She is just as gorgeous as ever.

Her finger lightly traces my arm and as I'm about to speak, a loud clap of thunder shakes the tree behind us and she yelps, clinging to me.

I chuckle knowing it was just my clumsy uncle dropping something up stairs and extend my wings.

Elaina watches in amazement as I wrap them around our bodies, shielding us from the rain.

"It's still so breathtaking when I see you do that."

I smile a little and watch as her fingers glide between the feathers on my wings.

She presses her body against me a little more and I can't shake away the fact that her breasts are on my arm.

I've been dying to touch this girl for weeks and now she's all over me.

A soft moan can be heard from my throat as she tugs on a certain spot.

This peaks her interest and she finally turns her attention back to me. "Do you like when I do that?"

My cheeks heat up as I look down towards the grass.

"They're just sensitive."

To my surprise, she wraps her fingers around my chin and pulls my gaze back to her.

My heart pounds as her eyes go from mine to my
Lips and back.

"Do you like it?"

I don't answer.

I don't want her to know that the fact that she is touching me is making my emotions go into overdrive.

I don't want her to know that every time I feel her small soft fingers graze my feathers I want to rail her until she cries for me to stop.

I don't want her to know the effect she has on me.

It's just another weapon she can use to destroy me.

I'm so close to being free. So close but this girl, she makes me question every moment of it.

She eases onto my lap, straddling my waist as her arms drape over my shoulders. "Are you leaving soon?"

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