chapter 10

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        ⛲EPISODE 10⛲

"Mom wakeup already" Dina Dempsey kept shaking her mom Maddy.

Since the night she found out about Andan being pregnant she has been living in a separate room from Paco...she grew up with her dad and will also want her kid to experience that so she went through the pain just for her kids.

"What's wrong now ?" Maddy asked sleepy.

"Am on my way to school have been asleep for more than a day " Dina said remembering how her mom slept from yesterday afternoon till now.

"If your going to school then leave already....good luck on your first day" Maddy said causing Dina to sigh.

"I don't need luck , am a Dempsey...and can't believe I will be seeing that mistress daughter, mom can't I change school?"She asked but Maddy just shook her head...that was the best college there was out there....who could have imagined that Mich will be that rich to send her sister there? Maddy hated their guts ...she hated Andan to the core and made sure her kids transfer the hate as well.

"Well said , your a they should be the one running away and not you" Maddy explained and Dina just nodded....she was a complete beauty, her moms features installed in her ...but she was a spoilt brat.

"Good morning" Paco stood from the door before greeting.

"Good morning dad...bye dad" Dina said then walked out of the room
..she walked outside in which a driver was already waiting for her.

"Good morning Maddy" He greeted with a has been 17 whole years but Maddy just cant find it in her to forgive him...of course she talks and smiles with him , but he knows she is not sincere about it ...but he is happy of the fact that she left him the chance to be with his kids but Andan don't need to be around.

"Good morning Paco" She said before walking to the bathroom.


"Mom stop stuffing me up...I will be late" Karen said while pushing her mom hands away.

"You look so eat up" Andan said but Karen stood up in escape.

"Mom Mich already sent a driver so I don't want to keep him waiting...bye mom" She said before pecking her cheek and running towards the door.

She got inside the awaiting car before driving out.


The tension was heated inside a building...the mother and daughters stared at their dad with anger and disgust.

"Why didnt you call to let me know you wont be back?" Mary asked her sole called husband...he stink of alcohol and he even sleeps outside.

"Mary please...I have got a headache " Her husband Paul said before walking into his room.

Mary felt like crying but she pushed it away before turning to her first daughter Amber.

"You will be late for school" She said and Amber just scoffed .

"What a family? Looks rich from the outside but just stupid from inside....go deal with your so called husband, we are leaving" Amber said before holding her junior sis hands Mina out of the house and gate.

Normally their mom drop them at school...but when situation like this happens , they are forced to take a cab to school...Mina doesn't mind but of course Amber minds a lot , as they say your first impression makes people know who you are.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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