chapter 5

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        ⛲EPISODE 5⛲

"Good morning Mami " Mich greeted before walking to the toilet .

Mami looked at her with a worried look ...her eyes where swollen as if she cried her eyes out last night.

When she walked back out..Mami called for her which she happily walked towards her.

"You heard what I discussed with your mom yesterday right?" Mami asked and Mich was a kid who has vowed never to lie.

"Am sorry Mami but I heard it loud and clear" She said expecting her grandma to scold at her for listening to adults discuss.

"Am glad you heard it, in future you should know what to do...let no man come so close to you without him marrying you"Mami said and Mich promised her to follow her wish.

"Mami I also heard you talking about watching news on the tv , why don't we have One?" Mich asked curiously...

"There is one somewhere around....I had just kept it since there was no one to watch it, but if you want I could call someone to install it for you" Mami explained causing Mich to jump in excitement.

"Yaaaay...Mami do that now , today" She said happily and Mami nodded.


Paco sat in his wine bar ...he already had more than 3 shots , he was not happy..he had the money and everything but love was impossible, he had thought before that he will one day fall in love with Maddy thereby making life easy for him , but his heart was not hers, in fact it was so far from her.

A curvy lady with black hair walked towards him.

"Brother...why are you feeling this depressed?" Mary asked worriedly...Maddy had confide in her about her brother she decided to talk to him.

"How are you doing?" Paco asked Mary , she lived in her personal apartment a few meters from here...she had finished college and started working in her brothers her life was great , but she did not tell her brother about Andan being pregnant....she decided to carry the secret to her grave , because everything they had now was thanks to Maddy and she was not going to let Andan ruin it.

"Am fine but am worried about you, confide your problems with me" She pleaded.

"I miss Andan so much....I wonder how she is right now, I think am beginning to regret my decision" He said sadly making Mary to frown.

"Paco your married with a kid , you thinking and missing another lady is so unfair to Maddy had chosen to marry her and of course it was not a wrong decision because she is a kind and caring lady forget about Andan "Mary dropped the long speech on Paco who just nodded.

"Am here for the family interview organized by the wouldn't want to appear messy on camera so better go freshen up" Mary said and he nodded before walking upstairs to his room.

"This has been his dream all along and now that he fulfill it he is regretting?" Mary scoffed while watching her brother back disappear.

Paco entered his room and saw Maddy still asleep...he walked inside the bathroom so as to freshen up .

He was already naked under the shower when Maddy walked in, she was getting frustrated of him always ignoring her.

"Am almost done , you can take over " paco said while putting a towel around his waist.

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