chapter one

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        ⛲EPISODE 1⛲

The market busted with could see people buying and selling, the locality is poor but the unity is strong.

A cute looking girl walked while smiling and chatting with a guy of about her age. ...anyone who sets their eyes on them will shower them with words of praise...the love they share was visible to any passer by.

A car passed by and flashed water on them and drove away without stopping.

"Hey" The guy yelled angrily but the car was far gone.

"Its ok Paco...he is already gone" The lady held unto him.

"Andan are you ok? I hate what this rich do to people like us " Paco said before helping Andan to wipe off the dirty water on her face.

"Paco its ok...When your happy you dont need to care about them continues" Andan said but Paco clenched his fist angrily.

"Don't mind day I will be rich and will buy you a car" He said making Andan to laugh out.

"I don't need a car or riches Paco...happiness doesnt lie on money" She said before running away.

Paco smiled before running up to her.

"Andan don't you really dream of having a lot of money...being the boss lady and all? "Paco asked Andan curiously.

"Paco seriously I have never dreamt of being a rich lady...what I dream about is being happy, Mami might be waiting home already so let's hurry up" She said and they both walked down the street to a small unfurnished house.

She walked inside the small looking kitchen at the far end and saw the old lady sitting there while roaming a song.

"Mami" She called before sitting beside her.

"My beautiful Mami how are you doing?" Paco asked and sat beside her as well.

"The old lady is roasting some meat for dinner, have you had dinner already?" Mami asked and Paco nodded negatively.

Mami loved him a lot as he was the only friend Andan ever had and he was a kind guy , eventhough he dreams too high, she knew they where now in a relationship even though they never told her ...the whole community knows about it.

"Mami I have to leave soon...Mary is home alone " Paco said referring to his 14 year junior sister...he had literally raised her up after their parents death.

"Oh its been long I saw her ..I will pack some meat for her...Andan get a sachet" Mami said and Andan smiled before walking into the small house.

"Paco...I have been wanting to say this for long...I know about you and Andan , You guys are still young and have a bright future ahead not objecting against your relationship..I just don't want you both to try something stupid...think about your future first" Mami said and Paco nodded shyly.

"Mami , don't you bother ..I have great plans for us all ...we will all move to the city or even to Santa Babara and live in a huge mansion" Paco said while illustrating the huge house with his hands.

"Paco your so funny...your the only young man in this community with that big dreams...I pray your dreams come true...but Happiness comes before all that" Mami said repeating the same words Andan had said.

"Mami here it is" Andan walked out and handed the sachet to Mami ....she tied some food before Paco bid them good night and left.

He got home and walked inside and met Mary crying on the cold floor.

"Mary? What's wrong" He walked towards her.

"Paco am hungry.." She said and Paco smiled at her.

"Is that why your crying this much? Your not a baby you know....and if your hungry why didnt you go to Mami place?" Paco asked causing Mary to frown.

"Paco we eat there everyday...I feel embarrassed at times " Mary pouted .

"I know Mary...but one day we are going to have a lot of food that we will throw some away" Paco said to Mary who just rolled her eyes .

"Paco this is reality...there is no rich person in our how do you even intend of getting rich? What are you holding there?" Mary asked while pointing at the sachet he walked in with.

"Some roasted meat...Mami sent it for you" Paco said and Mary hurriedly stood up and took the sachet happily.

"She is so kind Paco....I will go dish this for us" She said and walked inside happily.

"One day we will have a maid dishing our meal for us" Paco said from behind her.

"Yes and we will have a driver as well..."Mary laughed out.

"Yes I assure you that" Paco said and Mary walked towards him with the plate

"Paco your cute .and caring, but the only problem with you is you dream a lot" She said then sat on the small wooden chair.

" dreaming to realize it" He scoffed at her.


"Mami why dont you tell me a story about my parents?" Andan asked and Mami just sighed out.

"Am sleepy Andan go get my drugs ...and you can go to bed as well" Mami said while walking to the bed.

"Mami " She pouted with frustration and walked towards the little jar to pour some water for her to use and take her drugs.

"Andan ...always listen to that your life wouldn't end up as messed up as your mom's" Mami said and Andan just rolled her eyes

"Mami you always say that...what did my mom really do ? Did she ignore your advise?" Andan asked playfully.

"Am serious Andan....I have seen life to its fullest so I judge characters" Mami said.

To be continued......

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