chapter 3

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        ⛲EPISODE 3⛲

"Nice meeting you Paco...where are you heading to?" Madesson asked with a smile ...she looked so innocent, caring and beautiful without a taint of evil.

"I just arrived here..I am searching for a job" Paco said making Madesson to smile.

"Ok then ...thanks for the help , how about I drop you off at your place?" She offered and Paco didnt know how to let her know he has no home ..he doesn't even know any street.

"I dont have any home....I just arrived in Dela Costa " He said shyly and Madesson stared at him in shock.

"Oh ok....enough of the talking, why don't you follow me first ...then you could return and start searching for a job ?" Madesson asked and Paco immediately accepted...he had no choice, its not as if he has  a place to sleep or had what to eat.

"Sure thanks "Paco said before following her....he gasped in shock seeing her car...why does such a young girl get such a beautiful and expensive car , but he doesn't own even a key.

"What are you looking at? Hop in" Madesson said removing him from his trance.

He hopped in and they drove away...he didn't have time to admire the little city because just one thought ran through his head is he going to make money , he needs to make money so as to care for his sister and girlfriend in the province....the province was underdeveloped...he can't imagine how developed this place is , which means if he goes to Santa Babara , he do be more than fascinated with the beauty.

They drove into a huge bugalow mansion.

Paco looked around in surprise...did she actually live here?.

They got down and walked into the sitting room....a man in his fifties sat there as a king with a powerful aura surrounding him.

"Dad" Madesson walked towards him with a smile.

"When did you return ?" She asked her dad ....Mr Spark smiled at his only daughter and family, he has done everything possible just for her to have everything she desires...she could be termed as a spoilt brat , but she was actually kind and respectful..irrespective of the money they had.

"I just arrived and decided to wait for you" He said and Madesson sat beside him.

"I missed you dad" She said and hugged him tightly....Paco stood there watching the scene and Mr Spark eyes stopped towards Paco.

"Who is he?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Oh dad you can't believe what happened to me today, I had gotten the company project in a USB flash as you had required...but on my way , a thug tried robbing me of it ..but Paco helped me" She explained and her dad clenched his fist in anger.

"You where robbed? Am sure its all that stupid Korina family" Mr Spark said while gritting his teeth in anger.

"I thought same dad...but am fine now and even got the flash" She assured the man who just nodded....he walked towards Paco and sent his hands forward for a handshake.

"I appreciate my son" He said and Paco immediately accepted his handshake...he wasn't going to let a rich man hand hanging...they where all korean but due to the poor condition he had grown up from. ...his body was less fairer and he could even bet that Andan was more beautiful than this Madesson lady if she was to put on these classic wear and make up.

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