chapter 8

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        ⛲EPISODE 8⛲

"What have I done?" Andan cried out while lying naked on the bed with Paco with just a duvet to cover their modesty.

"Andan am sorry" Paco said while holding his head tightly...he was indeed very drunk.

"Your sorry? Why do you always get to ruin me , now how will Maddy feel?" Andan said while shedding heavy tears.

"Andan please listen to me...I made a mistake of leaving you and my child , but believe me I never knew we had  a child and I still love you alot" Paco said making Andan sigh angrily.

"Your sister was well aware of it there is no excuse you will say that will make me believe what you have just turned me into a mistress and husband snatcher...I regret the day I ever...."

"Andan please dont say it...don't hate me so much, am pleading with anything you want with me , hit me and all but don't hate me" Paco pleaded with pain ...Andan saw he didnt feel any regrets of betraying his wife.

"Paco why?" Andan asked with a look of disgust.

"Maddy is a kind and understanding lady , but dont you feel remorseful for betraying her? Well if you don't , I do going to leave Paco and I pray our path never meet again" Andan said before getting dressed...Paco just watched her walk out...he was out of words.

"Andan " Maddy said making her jump from freight.

She walked towards her and held her hands.

"You must have gotten bored in this big house?" Maddy asked but Andan couldn't look into her eyes...she felt the pain of betraying someone.

"No it was fine" Andan said and Maddy nodded .

"Mom" Mich walked out the door with a slogish look.

"Hey there" Maddy greeted but Mich just stared at her.

"Excuse her please, she lacks manners and has no respect" Andan said causing Mich to frown...Maddy laughed out.

"I guess thats how kids are....I get such a hard time interacting with Daniel" Maddy said out and Andan gave her a fake smile.

"I will go freshen up and we can have dinner" Maddy said before Walking to the stairs but she suddenly stopped..

"I saw Paco car he back yet?" Maddy asked and Andan became nervous...

"He ...hum , I did not see him" She stuterred nervously...

"OK then...will be back in a jiffy" Maddy said with a smile and walked upstairs.

"When are we returning Mom?" Mich asked as she felt really bored here...she wanted to be back to her community.

"Soon " She replied shortly.

Paco felt hurt listening to their discussion.

Dinner was served and they all had dinner in silence...the only one talking where Maddy and Andan...Maddy was an honest lady and Andan regrets what she did a lot, she feels embarrassed.

"Andan you said your Mami is dead so why are you returning to the province?" Maddy asked sadly...she felt comfortable talking to Andan ....she wants to help her like searching for a house and job.

"I don't have anything to do here" Andan said.

Paco sat hopefully praying for Maddy to be able to convince Andan....if he utters a word ,, Maddy might become furious.

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