"Fuck." I managed to say.

Standing on the opposite side was Mitchell and Grayson, along with their other friends, encouraging their friend.

"We should stop this." Hannah voice pierced through the noise of the crowd.

Jake shoved Diego once again, causing him to fall backwards towards the ground. Before Diego connected with the ground, Jake was already on top of him, landing the first punch, followed by another one, then another one.

Cody rushed in to break up the fight, managing to wrap his arms around Jake and pull him away from a split-lipped Diego. Jake, in all his fury, writhed in an attempt to get out of Cody's grasp, not that it did much. Diego rose from his place on the ground, wiping over his lip with the back of his right hand, letting out a chuckle before jumping straight towards Jake with a clenched fist in the air. With Cody struggling to keep Jake out of more trouble, Diego's fist collided with Cody's face, causing him to fall onto the ground. Jake scowled before rushing at Diego.

I rushed in to see if Cody was okay. "Shit, are you okay?" I asked him, panicking. He lifted himself off of the ground, shaking his head with anger in his eyes.

I know that look.

"Cody, don't." I warned him, though it fell on ears that weren't listening.

Cody rushed in and forced himself between Jake and Diego before turning and swinging a fist to Diego's face.

Holy shit!

I looked over to see Grayson and Mitchell with shocked looks plastered on their faces while Jonah was already jumping into the fight, shoving Cody down to the ground.

Jake and Diego were already punching on again, while Cody hastily rose from the ground and was instantly at Jonah's throat.

I made my way towards them, hoping to stop them from fighting before everyone ends up getting suspended. "Guys, stop it!" I shouted angrily as someone's elbow met my left eye, causing my sight to temporarily leave me as I stumbled backwards onto the ground. I covered my left eye with a consoling hand as I winced. Why is it I always end up getting hit in the eye?

"Shit, are you okay little Cooper?" Grayson appeared beside me, his arm on my shoulder. Hannah came into view on my right side. "Dallas, are you alright?" She wondered.

"Knock it off!" Mitchell's shout echoed. The crowd had gone quiet and all members of the fighting party halted, panting, groaning and seething.

Why didn't he stop it earlier? Preferably before I happened to get elbowed in the eyeball!

"You just hit my little brother!" Mitchell snarled as he shoved Jonah.

Jonah turned to look at me, his face turning to worry.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry Dallas." I heard Jonah say as my blackmailer and my best friend helped me up off the ground. I could already feel my left eye swelling up, so apology not accepted, asshat!

"Blame this moron!" Diego pointed a finger at Jake.

Here we go again.

"Shut up you piece of shit!" Jake seethed.

"Why don't you both shut up!" Mitchell warned them.

I shoved Grayson away from me and started back towards the school building and straight to the nurse's office to get an ice pack.

Maybe I should just go home? I wondered to myself as I consoled my sore eye.

I woke up in the nurses office an hour or so later, my eye throbbing with pain. I can't believe I fell asleep. I didn't intend on sleeping, I had only come here to get an ice pack for my face.

"Good morning." Grayson was seated beside me.

Did I wake up to a nightmare?

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I had maths so I thought I'd skip." He says.

I groaned as I sat upright. "That still doesn't explain why you're here?"

"I wanted to see how you were, and to ask you something." He brushed a hand through his hair.

"Ask me what?" I raised an eyebrow.

His blue eyes looked into mine, well, one of mine, seeing as I could barely open my left one. I wonder what he wanted to ask me?

"I need you to do my homework for me." He says.

"Excuse me?"

"I have homework due this Friday, and I don't want to fail out, so..."

I scoffed, throwing the melted ice pack at his dumb face. "Are you serious right now!?"

"Remember, I know your little secret." He tilted his head to the side.

"What secret?" I spoke frustratedly.

"You have a crush on me... wouldn't want the entire school to know about that, right?"

"I do not have a crush on you." I said.

"Then why did you kiss me?" He asked a good question.

Once again I was cursing my drunken alter ego, the stupid idiot.

"Are you seriously going to hold that over my head?" I groaned.

"As I've said before... you're my little bitch." He clicked his tongue. "I own you."

"Meanwhile, you're just a bitch." I retorted, standing on both of my feet before storming away from him.

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