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Covering up the bite mark proved to be harder than Evangeline initially thought it would be. After a while, she just decided to wear a dress with a higher collar than she normally would. She finished brushing through her hair and pulled it around her shoulder.

She took a deep breath as she looked out the window. The dead trees were slowly blowing in the weak breeze. In a matter of seconds, her door slammed open. She whipped around to see Vesper rush in.

He speed-walked up to her, causing her to bump into the wall. "Shiva hasn't returned. We have to go find him. Now," he said sternly. He reached over and gripped her arm.

She gaped at him as he began pulling her out of her room and down the hall. "What? I thought he returned yesterday. Where is he?" She quickly asked. She stumbled to keep up with the white haired male.

He sped down the stairs, carefully pulling her along. "He didn't. My best guess is that the witches are at fault." He grumbled. "I knew we couldn't trust them. I warned him, but he wouldn't listen." He growled.

Evangeline pulled him back and made him stop in the middle of the grand hall. "Wait, wait. What do you mean?" She questioned in a panic with her brows furrowed.

Vesper continued to the door before finally glancing back at her. "Witches despise vampires. They are nature's loyal servants and vampires are their enemies. Despite my distrust towards them, Shiva still went to them for help. I can only assume they want something in return now," he explained in an annoyed manner.

Evangeline swallowed and followed him as he opened the door. He stopped and looked back at her. "And I can't leave you here alone because something else would happen to you," he said with a huff. "So," he stared into her eyes," let's go." He held his hand out for her to take.

She hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in his. She gasped in surprise when he roughly pulled her closer and not a second later, he lifted her from the ground. She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck in fear of falling.


Vesper set Evangeline down before looking around the corner of a house. "Where are we?" She asked, peeking around the edge. Vesper put a hand over her mouth and made a shushing noise.

He turned around and looked down at her. "Keep quiet. This is a town of witches," he informed quietly. "If they see either of us, bad things will happen. Now, I'm sure you don't want that so why don't you just keep your mouth shut, hm?" He hummed with a sarcastic tone.

She silently nodded and anxiously bit her lip. He peeked around the corner before gazing back at her. He put his hand behind him and pulled out something wrapped in a black satin cloth. He unwrapped it and held it out to her. Her eyes widened at the sight of her dagger.

She stared into his eyes, but he didn't meet her gaze. "Here. Use this if you need to. I won't anyways be around to protect you," he stated in a whisper-like tone. She slowly reached out and gently took it from him. Looking back up, she nodded in response. "They'll have Shiva in some sort of underground dungeon. Witches are smart, so let's look for the least suspicious place," he suggested, but made it sound like he didn't want an answer. He had a sarcastic tone, but he was being serious.

He peered around the corner once more. The witches were going about there day like any normal townspeople would. He gazed around until his eyes landed on a particular building in the center of the street. He pointed to it. "There. The stables." He sighed. "Just need to find a way there without getting caught now." He grumbled and leaned back against the building.

Evangeline looked around, gripping her dagger to her chest. She tapped her hand on Vesper when her eyes caught onto something moving in the distance. "Look," she whispered with a tone full of hope.

Liliumजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें