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I woke up in a soft bed and with the light from behind the curtains blinding my eyes. I glanced around, trying to remember what happened. Everything was fuzzy and my head ached really bad.

I heard the door being opened and I looked over. "V-Vesper?" I whispered. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest. I slowly sat up and stared at him. I winced as memories suddenly came back. My eyes widened. Vampires. My head snapped to look at the white haired male still glaring at me. "I.. remember. Y-you're vampires," I said in a hushed tone. There wasn't as much fear in me as there was last night, but I was still frightened.

Vesper let a smirk rise to his lips. "I'm surprised. After that hit you took I was sure you wouldn't be remembering anything anytime soon. Good job, you proved me wrong. Though I doubt it'll happen again," he stated smugly as his smirk slowly turned into a frown.

I took a deep breath as I gathered my thoughts. I bit my lip and looked back at him with furrowed brows. "I- I remember something else," I paused. He seemed like he couldn't care less about the topic. I pouted my lips. "But it was like... like it hadn't happened yet. It was as if I was seeing something that hasn't yet happened," I admitted in a puzzled manner.

In less than a second, he was stood in front of me. I gasped in surprise and he sat down beside me. Without a warning, he pushed my hair away from my face and placed his hand on my forehead. My breath hitched at the gentle action. His hand was ice cold. Blood rushed to my cheeks at the close proximity between us. After staring up at him for a moment I finally worked up the courage to speak.

I opened my mouth, but I couldn't even get a word out before he sighed. "Come on. There's something waiting for you." Was all he said. I quirked a brow at him in confusion. He silently stood up and began walking towards the door. He glanced back at me. "Well? Let's go, I won't wait forever," he said irritably.

I quickly rushed out of bed and slid my shoes on. I ran after him as he began walking down the hall from the open door. I stole a glimpse up at him and locked my hands together in front of me. "Sooo, what is it?" I asked curiously.

He glared down at me before looking away again with a frown on his face. "Impatient." He grumbled to himself. I playfully glared at him. Rude.

I smiled nonetheless. "Moody," I retorted. He stopped and looked down at me. I mimicked his actions and grinned up at him. He only scoffed and continued walking again. I giggled and caught up with him.


We stopped in front of the garden and I looked up at Vesper in confusion. "There's something for me here?" I questioned in an incredulous manner.

He rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes, just wait here." He sighed before starting to walk away. My lips parted in surprise. He's leaving just like that? I huffed and observed the area. What could possibly be waiting for me here?

After a few moments I heard approaching footsteps. "Printesa." My eyes widened at the voice. Hesitantly, I turned around. Shiva stood there with his hands behind his back. He had a look of guilt on his face.

I trembled, recalling last night's events. "Sh-Shiva." I breathed out. He gave me a small smile and took a tiny step forward. On instinct, I took a step back. He paused.

A small frown made its way to his lips. "I wanted to apologize for my actions last night. I would like to say that it is unimaginably hard to control my thirst, but there is no excuse for my actions," he said as he kept his head down. I watched as he slowly pulled something from behind his back. Whatever it was, it was covered in a silky white cloth. "Here. I cleaned this and thought I'd bring it back to you." He carefully unwrapped the fabric.

I gasped as I was met with the sight of my dagger. "I- thank you." I looked up at him. Could I trust him?

A solemn frown found its way to his face. He sighed and slowly walked over to a stone bench. I stared at him as he gazed at the paved ground below him, the silver dagger resting in his lap. It was gently held in between his fingers.

I sucked in a silent breath before carefully making my way over. I didn't take my eyes away from him. "So, do sunlight and garlic really hurt vampires?" I asked curiously as I sat down on the stone bench. I looked up at the raven haired male sitting beside me.

He smiled softly. "No. They don't, actually. However, fire and stakes are more reliable," he responded with a chuckle. I stared at him. Why would he tell me how to kill him? Either he trusted me or he didn't think I was capable enough to do something to harm him. "It's not that I think you are incapable, printesa. I would like to think that you wouldn't do anything to betray my brother and I. Even after our little.. fiasco yesterday," he said slowly.

I looked at him in shock. "How did you-? Did I say that out loud?" I gasped, gripping the edges of the bench. I bit my lip in embarrassment.

He laughed. The sound reminded me of a lullaby. "No, you didn't. Think about it, printesa, it really is such a simple thing." He smiled widely. My brows furrowed in confusion until I understood. I looked up at him in an unsure manner. He could read minds then? He nodded and I snapped my head to look back up at him. His silver eyes stared into mine. "Correct. Any thoughts you have, I can see them all," he stated in a teasing tone.

I blushed in embarrassment as my eyes widened. "Wait, so does that mean that Vesper can too?" I rushed out. I may or may not have cursed him out in my mind when I got annoyed with him once before.

Shiva chuckled and placed his hand on his face. "No, however, do you think I should inform him of the nasty words you said to him in your thoughts?" He hummed. I quickly and frantically shook my head. He laughed again. "Vesper cannot read people's minds, but he has a sort of sixth sense. When something big is coming- good or bad- he has a certain feeling. He's never explained it to me personally, but in his head, sometimes it's a mixture of hate and dread or excitement," he explained.

I gazed at him with intrigue. "That's... truly incredible. Can all vampires do that?" I inquired curiously. I subconsciously leaned closer.

Shiva's smile widened. "Only purebloods. Well, unless the vampire had something special about them before they were turned," he stated.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Turned? Like when a human is turned into a vampire?" I asked. He simply nodded in response. "So, you and Vesper are purebloods? What does that mean?" I continued.

He chuckled. "You are so full of questions, printesa," he said. I flinched in surprise as he took my hand. I looked down as he gently placed the cloth covered dagger in my palm. He didn't take his hands away when he was done and he stared into my eyes. I blushed. "Talk to Vesper about that little nightmare problem of yours, printesa." He stood up and began walking away.

I gaped at him in shock. He knew? I stood up, firmly holding my dagger in my hands. That's right, he could read my mind. Thinking about it now, isn't that sort of creepy?

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