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I huffed and panted as I came to a stop after running for what felt like hours. Although, I'm sure it was at least fifteen minutes. Hopefully, they wouldn't be able to find me now.

I pulled my coat tighter around me and looked around. I could see my breaths in the air every time I exhaled. It was freezing. I'm sure if I stayed out here any longer I would die. I bet it'll also get colder later tonight. I needed to find shelter.

Keeping a hold on my coat and my eyes open, I started walking through the dense forest. At least the canopy of trees made it easy to get away, but I'm now lost. I haven't a clue where I am. I had never been here before.

I shivered as my flats padded against the snow covered ground with each step. My already torn dress snagged on twigs and roots sticking up out of the white surface. I'd been walking for a while now and with the darkness, it was hard to see.

However, my breath hitched when I saw something glimmer in the distance. A metal gate? My eyes widened and relief washed over me. It was a house! Gasping in excitement, I quickly ran over to it.

I slid my hands across the silver steel before gripping one side. I gently pulled it open and it creaked. My body jolted in surprise at the sudden eerie sound.

I took a deep breath as I slowly slipped inside the gate. I trembled with each step I took towards the front doors. They were huge and arched at the top. This entire place just gave off an intimidating air. I grabbed one of the knockers in my hands and slowly knocked on the hard wooden surface of the door.

To my utmost surprise, the door creaked open. My mouth went agape and I observed the inside of the mansion. It was a massive and dark greeting hall. Stealing one last glance behind me at the dark and snow filled night, I quickly took a step inside.

I closed the door behind me and the sound echoed throughout the room. "Uhm, hello? Is anyone here?! I don't mean to intrude, but it's awfully cold outside! Surely you have a room to spare?" I called out, gliding further into the room. Although my voice echoed throughout the room, I didn't hear another noise.

I bit my lip nervously as I walked over to a door on my right. I carefully gripped the handle and prepared to twist it. However, I was interrupted by a deep and terrifying voice. "What do you think you're doing?!" The voice growled.

I gasped in shock and turned around. At the top of the stairs stood a man with long hair as white as a dove's feathers. I stammered with my words. "I'm s-sorry, but i-it's rather cold outside and I-!"

He scoffed and speed-walked down the stairs, heading in my direction. "That doesn't give you the right to trespass!" He barked out, reaching a clawed hand out towards me.

Again, however, there was another interruption. "Vesper, there's no need to be so cruel to our guest." A chilling, calm voice came from behind me and I jumped. I was about to turn around, but a dark figure appeared beside me. He grabbed a few strands of my hair and brought it to his face. "She smells so delicious, doesn't she?" He said as he took a breath against my hair. I was baffled and my jaw fell.

The man in front of me had retracted his hand and crossed his arms. "She's trespassing," he stated, staring at the raven haired man beside me.

The man beside me chuckled. "She's cold, brother. Come on, let her stay. She'll certainly die if she doesn't," he retorted. I gulped at his words, for they were true.

I glanced back at the silver haired male. He narrowed his eyes at me and a shiver ran down my spine. Without a word, he turned on his heel and began walking back towards the stairs. His hands fell to his sides. "Do what you want." Was all he said as he began to ascend the steps.

I felt a hand slide around my shoulder and I flinched. My gaze instantly returned to the man next to me. He smiled down at me. "Don't worry about him. He's been moody lately." He let out a breathy laugh. "Now what is your name?" He asked softly.

At the close proximity, I could feel his cold breath fanning against my skin. It caused me to shiver. "E-Evangeline Bain," I muttered in response.

He nodded, his bright smile never disappearing. "Such a lovely name," he commented. "I'm Shiva. That man you just met was Vesper," he explained. "Come. Let me show you to your room," he stated as he started guiding me towards the staircase.

The entire time we walked, his hand never left my shoulders. The skin of his palm was ice cold, as if there wasn't a single bit of warmth in his body. Maybe he was just outside, but I don't know why anyone would want to go outside in this weather.

We reached the balcony at the top of the stairs and I looked down. It was magnificent. "Your home is truly incredible," I commented as he led me down a corridor.

He grinned down at me. His pure white teeth glimmered in the candlelight that filled the halls. "Why thank you, printesa mea," he replied in a soft tone. I smiled a little. He stopped at a door and twisted it's handle. The door eased open to reveal a beautiful room incased in darkness. "Here you go. Just for you," he purred. I could feel his face daringly close to the back of my head as I observed the room in awe. "I do hope you sleep well, printesa."

I turned around to thank him, but my mouth went agape when no one was there. I swallowed and shrugged it off. I stepped inside the room and closed the door behind me.

 I stepped inside the room and closed the door behind me

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