Heart Part 2/2

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Heart Pt. 2

Suggested by: DIGBICKENERGY301


Jungkook is in a good mood today because his surgery was about to start later after they find a donor for him. He felt it was a miracle because he didn't expect it at all. He looked at the door when he heard the door open.

The smile on his face widened when he saw Taehyung coming inside with his mother.

"Hyung" He called out while his eyes beamed in excitement.

Even though he wants to stand up and hug him, he can't do that due to his illness.

"It seems you are in a good mood, what's the news?" Taehyung asked standing in front of him, beside the hospital bed.

"I got a donor but I don't know who that person is." Jungkook smiled.

"I'm happy for you, Jungkook." Taehyung smiled back.

"But why do you look so pale, hyung? Are you okay?" Jungkook inquired noticing how pale the older was.

"Yeah, just not feeling well. I came here because I heard that the transplant will happen today." Taehyung replied.

"Don't worry, hyung, once the transplant becomes successful and if recover fast, I will take care of you so you won't get sick anymore." Jungkook giggled.

"I'll wait for that" Taehyung uttered.

"Are you going to wait for my transplant, right?" Jungkook said looking at him.

"Of course, I'll be there, I'm not going to leave you." Taehyung responded.

"Once I woke up, I want to see you beside me. I have to tell you something important too. Promise me, you will be there, okay?" Jungkook told him enthusiastically and showed his pinky promise.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door and Jungkook's doctor with two nurses came inside.

"The operation room is already prepared, should we get going now?"  The doctor asked.

"Yes, doc." Jungkook smiled.

The nurses carried Jungkook and put him in the stroller. They drag him out with Taehyung and his mother going with him. Before the operation room get close, Jungkook was sure he saw tears falling in Taehyung's eyes and he read Taehyung's mouth saying "I'm sorry" he can't comprehend what does Taehyung mean about that but he felt something was wrong.

Of course, the transplant went successful and Jungkook woke up after a week of the operation. He wasn't nervous or something, he is more excited to see and speak to Taehyung. He move aside his disappointment because Taehyung wasn't with him.

"Mom, where's hyung?" Jungkook asked his mother who was arranging their stuff since Jungkook will be discharged sooner.

"Ah, Jungkook, your doctor told me that we have to do a monthly check-up to check your condition." Jeonwha's answer was far from his question.

"I'm asking you about hyung, mom. Where is he? Is he going to visit me today? Is he busy?" Jungkook tried to ask again.

"So make sure you will be fine and don't do extreme work for now. Mostly you are a monster in exercise, you should listen to your doctor to avoid any danger." Once again, her replies don't have any connection to his question.


"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'm going to leave to buy something." Jeonwha asked not bothering to look at him.

"Anything mom" Jungkook replied, sighing.

He understands that she doesn't want to answer his question.


After 4 months after the heart transplant, Jungkook was doing well. He experienced pain but it was okay. He managed to do exercises to ease his boredom. But still worried about Taehyung because he never sees him since the transplant. He already met his old friends and neighbors but not Taehyung.

"Mom, when will hyung come back? It's been 4 months now." Jungkook asked his mother again after 4 months of postponement.

"Jungkook, are you going to the gym?" Jeonwha inquired to change the topic.

"Mom, can you please stop doing this? You always changed the topic every time I asked you about hyung. Why you are not giving me a proper answer to my question?" Jungkook said through his gritted teeth.

Jeonwha sighed and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Jungkook" Jeonwha uttered with tears falling from his eyes.

"Why are you sorry? I'm asking about hyung, mom." Jungkook replied confusedly.

"I'm sorry, he's not going to come back anymore." Jeonwha cried.

"What are you saying? What do you mean, mom?!" Jungkook shooked her shoulder.

She left and took a teddy bear upstairs. She went back to give it to Jungkook. The teddy bear has a voice recorder on it.

"Here, he told me to give it to you. That has a voice recorder, you can listen to answer your question." Jeonwha wiped off her tears even though her tears kept falling.

Jungkook play the teddy bear and he heard Taehyung's voice.

"Jungkook, my best friend.

How are you? Are you doing well? I'm sorry if my voice doesn't sound good.

Are you waiting for me? I'm sorry if I can't go back and didn't wait for you. Trust me, I want to, I want to see you being fine after the transplant but I realized that I can't do that anymore.

I'm sorry because I can't be with you anymore, Jungkook. My time is limited. I am diagnosed with a brain tumor and the doctor told me that there was no chance that I will be cured because the tumor spreads quickly.

And you know what, I decided to give my heart to you. I was about to give it to you to say that I love you but I did it too literally in a different way. Do you love me too? I hope you do.

I'm sorry if I didn't tell you, please don't blame your mother, I forced her not to tell you because I know you won't accept it. I did it, I decided for myself. Please don't feel guilty about it, I'm happy to help you.

Don't worry about me, I will be fine, I will be with my parents in heaven. I will finally see them, Jungkook. I'm sorry if I give up too early, but I hope you understand me. Please, don't wait for me anymore. I can't say this in person but Jungkook, I want to say that I love you, I love you so much."

Tears were falling from Jungkook's eyes. He looked at his mother who was also crying. And for the first time, Jungkook showed his weakness and cried after listening to Taehyung's voice.

"I love you, Taehyung, I love you too."

Jungkook badly wanted to say those words after his recovery but he didn't expect Taehyung will leave him like this. He just cried knowing he can't do anything about it.

The End

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