Love till the end

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Love till the end

Doctor Jungkook x Patient Taehyung


Kim Taehyung is one of the most handsome men in the world that Jungkook see in his entire life. He was glad to have him as his partner in life. Yes, they are in a relationship and engaged as well.

And being whipped by his fiance is normal for him. He loves Taehyung so much that he was willing to do anything for him. He was with Taehyung during their sadness and happiness in life, being poor and rich, and now is suffering from pancreatic cancer.

Taehyung was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about a month ago. At first, the sign didn't bother them much because they thought the feeling of getting sick was common for a human. They ignore it also when Taehyung experienced tummy pain, Taehyung blame it on the food they are that time.

Jungkook got worried when he noticed the sudden loss of Taehyung's weight. He asked him to go to the clinic to get a check-up but Taehyung insisted on not doing it because he said it was nothing because he was on diet.

But Jungkook knew something was wrong and it grew more when he saw Taehyung's skin become yellow and his eyes. That's why he decided to force Taehyung to go to the hospital because he worried the symptoms were about pancreatic cancer and that's time his heart shrunk because his worries were right.

He can't help but blame himself for not noticing it quickly. He is a doctor but he failed to do his job. And now, Taehyung is confined in the hospital where he works. It's been just a week since he was confined but the spread of cancer was quick to go to his liver.

"How are you?" Jungkook asked his fiance who was not interested to eat anything that was served to him.

He also wore his PPE for surgery later for Taehyung's treatment.

"I'm fine." Taehyung gave him a smile.

"Why you didn't eat anything?" Jungkook stared at him.

"I don't have an appetite today, Jungkook." Taehyung sighed.

"But baby, you have to at least try to eat, you know it's for your health, right?" Jungkook told him, holding his hand.

"Trust me, koo, I did. I tried to eat but I ended up vomiting." Taehyung uttered, biting his bottom lip.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. The door was opened and saw two doctors and 1 nurse.

"Doc Jeon, the operation is ready for patient Taehyung's surgery." Dr. Han informed him.


Jungkook moves aside so the stroller can get inside. Once the stroller was set, Jungkook carried Taehyung and put him in the stroller and Taehyung can read his fiance's emotions.

"Let's go" Dr. Han told his colleague.

They started to drag the stroller while Jungkook holding Taehyung's hand and Taehyung was watching him.

"Can we stop for a moment? I still have time left, right? I just want to talk with my fiance."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung when he heard him ask that question.

"Yes, but only 5 minutes." Dr. Han motioned the others to move aside for a while.

And they did whilst Taehyung forced himself to sit up even though he felt so weak to do that. Jungkook obviously helped him so nothing would happen to him.

"Are you worried?" Taehyung asked looking at him.

"Yeah, and nervous too." Jungkook admitted trying to hide his tears.

"Why? You're the best doctor I've ever known. I'm sure you will treat me and once that happens, we will live happily together." Taehyung sounds excited to say that.

"I know, love, but I can't help but get nervous. I like treating someone but seeing you as my patient, hurts me. I never think this will happen. I don't like seeing you in the hospital bed with cancer that is not curable." Jungkook replied with tears falling from his eyes.

Taehyung cupped his cheeks and wiped off his tears. Jungkook leaned on his touches liking the comfort from his fiance.

"Don't worry, koo, I trust you. I know you will treat me. Please don't be sad, no matter what happened, I will be here..."

Taehyung pointed to his heart and smiled.

"I'm in your heart, okay? If I didn't make it, always remember that I love you till the end. You will always be the first person in my heart that I truly love. I love you, Jungkook." Taehyung showed him a boxy smile.

"I love you too, Taehyung, I will do my best to cure you. Trust me, you will be fine, we will live together forever." Jungkook pecked Taehyung's lips.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt you two, but should we get going now?" Dr. Han wiped off his own tears

Jungkook nodded his head while wiping his tears. Taehyung laid back in the stroller and they bring him inside the operating room. Jungkook sucks a huge amount of air before he proceeds to go inside.

Everyone inside the operation room was prepared and waiting for Jungkook's signal. Nurse Oh put the gloves in Jungkook's hand while Dr. Han put Taehyung to sleep and it worked. Jungkook stands beside Taehyung on the right side.

"Let's start" Jungkook told them.

The process was doing fine, they were doing great with the surgery. Not until they saw blood squirting from somewhere in Taehyung's organs. Confused Jungkook didn't know where the blood came from. Dr. Han meanwhile was trying to find where it was to stop it because the heartbeat machine was dropping down.

"Dr. Jeon, the heartbeat is dropping!" Nurse Jung alarmed him.

"He is losing blood, we should get blood." Dr. Oh spoke.

"Get more blood!" Jungkook ordered the nurse when he found where the blood was coming from but they are losing a bag of blood.

When the nurse was about to come out of the operating room, the heartbeat went to a thin line and they knew they failed to cure Taehyung.

"No, this can't be"

Jungkook was so lost that he don't want to believe what just happened. He pumps Taehyung's heart hoping it would work to come back his heartbeat.

"Please, don't give up, love, please." Jungkook continued to pump Taehyung's heart but it doesn't work.

Dr. Han and the others felt sad seeing how desperate Jungkook was to survive his lover.

"Dr. Jeon, it's the end now, you should stop, it won't work." Dr. Han tried to stop him but Jungkook jerk him off and continue to pump Taehyung.

"Please come back, you can't leave me like this, Taehyung. I'm begging you, don't leave me, hold on." Jungkook cried not giving up.

The nurses were about to stop him but Dr. Han motioned them to give him a moment.

"Whether you continue doing that, Jungkook, you have to accept that we failed. Please give up now, just think that he will be happy now in the place where he will be." Dr. Han told him.

Jungkook finally stopped but his tears didn't.

"Kim Taehyung died at 10:20 pm." Nurse Oh said feeling sorry.

Jungkook cried watching them remove any machine equipment from Taehyung's body. He failed, he failed to save his lover. And now he understands why Taehyung said that he will love him till the end. This is the end.

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