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Patient Jungkook x best friend Taehyung

Suggested by: DIGBICKENERGY301


Jungkook was diagnosed with heart failure and because of that, he needs a heart transplant before his heart won't work anymore. His best friend Taehyung was always beside him, taking care of him every day even after classes. Jungkook appreciates his best friend's help and told himself that he will confess to him one day once everything is fine.

"Are you okay, hyung?" Jungkook asked Taehyung noticing his painful expression.

He was sitting in the hospital while Taehyung was standing in front of him, helping him peel the fruit.

"I- I- I—"

Taehyung closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook with a smile plastered on his lips.

"Fine" He shortly and simply replied to him.

"Are you sure? You are often getting sick these days, hyung. I told you hyung, before you take care of me, take care of yourself first." Jungkook kind of scolded him.

"Don't worry, I'm listening to you and I'm sure it might be because I'm stressed with school works and tired of my part-time job." Taehyung smiled.

"You should take care of yourself too, I don't like seeing you sick, hyung." Jungkook uttered.

"I'm sorry, I'll take care of myself better." Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook let out a soft giggle too, liking to hear his best friend's giggle. It melts his heart for some reason.

"Is there any update about your heart donor?" Taehyung asked changing the topic.

"They said it really takes so long and hard to find a donor." Jungkook sighed.

"Don't worry, Jungkook, I'm sure there will be a person that will be your donor. You just have to wait, okay?" Taehyung smiled, ruffling his hair.

Later that day

Taehyung felt weak and he often can't balance himself on a plain floor. His vision also getting blurry as if he will get blind. He almost can't move or feel his left hand. He usually gets nausea these past few months. He only thought it might be because he went to the hospital and gets infected because of it. He often ignored his sickness but now, it seems to get worst.

"Taehyung, son, are you okay?" It wasn't his mother but Jungkook's mother, Jeonwha.

She treats Taehyung as if her own son because he lives with her and she loves him the way she does for Jungkook.

"H-h-h-h—uh, y-y-yeah" His stuttering gets worst too as if he doesn't know how to speak properly.

"Your stuttering is getting worst, Taehyung, what's wrong with you? Are you really okay?" Jeonwha asked concerned.

She went near Taehyung to check on him but Taehyung suddenly got a seizure.

"Taehyung!" She was surprised at what happened.

She dial an emergency call but she noticed Taehyung stopped and got unconscious.

"I need an ambulance, now!" She told the emergency number not knowing what to do with Taehyung's situation.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jeonwha doesn't want to believe the set result. She felt like her world shattered apart when she heard what the doctor said. Tears kept falling from her eyes hoping she was just having a nightmare.

"Why you didn't tell me, Taehyung?" Jeonwha inquired Taehyung with her shaky tone.

"I-I'm sorry, aunty, I'm sorry." Taehyung apologized biting his trembling lip.

"You should at least tell me so we can get treatment. You shouldn't hide it from me, Taehyung." Jeonwha was frustrated not noticing Taehyung's illness as soon as possible.

She blamed herself for being stupid for not immediately knowing about Taehyung's condition.

"I don't want to tell you because I don't wanna be a burden to you, aunty." Taehyung cried.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're not a burden to me, hah?! If you really don't want to be a burden, you should at least tell me! I don't want to get mad at you but you should know that I don't want to lose you and Jungkook. Do you know how much it hurts me knowing my own son is 50-50 and now you..."

She can't finish her sentence because of her tears and Taehyung felt guilty.


"Are you sure about this, Taehyung?" Jeonwha asked him looking at Taehyung with sadness filled in her eyes.

It's been a week since Taehyung was confined in the hospital.

"That's the only thing I can do to save Jungkook. Please accept my offer, aunty, it's for you and Jungkook." Taehyung smiled a bit.

"You don't have to do this, maybe we can ask the doctor if there's any chance to c—"

"Aunty, please, we both know nothing will work. Besides, I don't want to suffer anymore. I want to see mom and dad, I missed them already. I'm sure I will see them there. You don't have to worry, aunty, I will be fine and the happiest person if you accept my offer." Taehyung gave her a smile to assure her he will be fine.

"Fine, say hi for me to your parents, okay? Thank you for everything, this is the best gift you gave me. And please, guide Jungkook too. He only listens to you." Jeonwha giggled bitterly.

"I will, I will always watch him, aunty." Taehyung laughed softly.

"Do you have any wishes Taehyung? I will make them come true, I will try my best to spoil you." Jeonwha uttered looking at him with teary eyes.

"Don't tell Jungkook about this, Aunty. I'm sure he will hate it and won't accept it. Don't worry, I have my own way to tell him. And I want to see Jungkook before his surgery start, I don't want him to get worried about me." Taehyung stated.

"Sure, if that's what you want, I will do that. So make sure you will be fine too so you can see him." Jeonwha said with a forced smile.

"Thank you, aunty, you are the best person I've ever seen. Thank you for everything, I appreciated them so much. After this, you will be the happiest woman, I promise you that.' Taehyung chuckled.

Jeonwha can't help but hugged him tightly. She sobbed silently as she can trying to be tough while Taehyung let out his tears.

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