"Good afternoon, Levi," she smiled.

"Afternoon," Levi struggled to reply, a sudden knot forming in his throat.

Get it together, Levi.

As Y/N opened her mouth to speak, Levi also spoke.

"So, I-"

"You did well."

They simultaneously paused to understand what the other had said, both taken aback.

"I-I'm sorry, you first, sir." Y/N stammered out after a moment.

"Uhh..." Levi felt his face grow hot, which both embarrassed and aggravated him. He cleared his throat and attempted to start over.

"I...apologize. Please, you first."

"Oh! Well, I was just on my way to see you, actually," Y/N admitted, unconsciously turning her face away.

Levi suddenly forgot all he had planned to say to her, instead just settling to watch her as she awkwardly looked at anything but his face. Suddenly he felt overwhelmed by her presence and wasn't sure how to react. But after a moment, he composed himself and decided how he wanted to continue from here.

"I'm glad you were. I'd like a word with you, if you have the time to spare," he finally managed.

Y/N's eyes lit up, but before she could respond, a loud screech followed by the thudding of footsteps filled the corridor around them.


Both Levi and Y/N turned sharply towards the noise, only to see Hange running full speed their way.

Levi couldn't believe his luck today. First Erwin, now Hange? He folded his arms across his chest and stared Hange down as they finally came to a stop, yet they didn't seem to take any notice. Instead, they ran directly towards Y/N and came to a stop less then two feet from the poor girl's face.

"Y/N, you have to help me!" they blurted.

"Hange? What's wrong?" Y/N was immediately distracted.

"You see....My poor test subject broke free of his restraints during testing...I could use some help subduing him?" Hange gave Y/N their best pleading look, which seems to do the trick.

"Okay, okay, I'll be right there! Levi just needs a word with me first." Y/N turned to look at Levi with a hopeful smile, but the man couldn't help but sigh.

"Go, this is obviously more important than a few words," he scoffed.

A slightly hurt look flashed through Y/N eyes before Hange grabbed her by the arm.

"Thanks shorty, I'll bring her back!"

With that hasty promise, Hange soon disappeared with Y/N in tow. Once again, Levi stood alone.

"Damn them," Levi cursed under his breath as he wandered off from his office to find something else to distract his mind from her with.


At this point, the sun was beginning to set below the horizon. The halls were near silent and completely empty. The only movement to be seen was the flickering of candle light produced from lanterns in the halls, covering the stone walls and floors in unique shapes and patterns.

Once more, Levi sat at his desk; a mug of warm tea in one hand and an ink quill in the other. Yet he had nothing to write, despite the many words that swam around in his head.

"Shitty brain....shitty feelings," he muttered to himself. Still, he couldn't figure out these strange sensations plaguing his mind and heart, despite the three years he'd spent trying.

Just then, a quiet knock sounded at his door. Barely lifting his head to investigate, he grumbled out a quick 'come in'.

The door opened, and light footsteps made their way over towards his desk. Still he didn't look up, already fed up with his day.
That was, until the person cleared their throat.

Whipping his head up, he met the gaze of a rather sheepish looking Y/N.

"Hey, I uhh, finished helping Hange," she grinned.
Upon seeing her smile, Levi couldn't help but return a small one of his own.
Y/N took a seat opposite him, and so began their little chat.

A little chat turned into an interesting conversation. A conversation led into a lengthy discussion, which in turn led to their opening up to one another. And at last, he found his moment to compliment her.


I'm sorry I just have a soft! jealous! Levi weakness :')
Hope this was satisfactory lawandlevi !
Feel free to request on the request page!


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