Twenty Three

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i was about to speak up when a prisoner started to press up on the glass barking. "Isn't that, uh-- " "Garrett pain. That's reinforced glass." "Easy for you to say. He tore apart 14 women." another gaurd spoke up "open on 15" the door infront of us opened and we walked in. " Hello, karl." Arron spoke. " Agent hotchner. I wasn't informed you were bring in a, uh... They just said two agents." Garret said. "This is agent--" "Y/N Hotchner, your sister I know all about you. "

Season 5: episode 8- Outfoxed

Aaron's POV

          I looked back at the fox trying to not give any emotion towards him while I looked over to Y/n, the two of us sat down while I spreaded the files out on the table in front of him. " Karl, it appears you have a fan." I spoke looking to him. "Admirer. Not a fan. Big difference. Right?" I looked to the side as Y/n started talking. "Is this the first time you've been contacted by your admirer?" Karl let out a slight chuckle "I have many fans. Even my own website. Don't you? You'd be astounded At some of the questions they ask. I make a log of all of them. Would you like to read some?" "I would love to." she said back in response "You'd love to? Yes. Here. Look." he said looking down at the book. Y/n reached over as Karl leaned in sniffing the air between them. I reached over and handed the book to her.

"Maybe later." she said tossing the book to the side before continuing. "Your admirer is taking wedding rings, Just like you."  "But maybe not for the same reason." I added before karl spoke out "Like how you took all of mine. You took mine. But I see... You lost yours." I pushed past the comment and continued. "8 rings, 4 families. Or was it one ring for each family?" "How'd you come to lose your ring?" Karl spoke letting out a laugh. "wait, don't tell me. A casualty of the job I surprised your relationship with your sister is still there... But I guss same job same problems..." "My job is what put you in here." "True. But then, it's the children Who suffer most.Wouldn't you agree?" Y/n spoke up "You'd know more about that than us." "Which is why you came to me. I can help you with that, agent Hotchner... Or Hotchners I certainly can. But I'll need to see those photos. May i?" I looked over to Y/n who was now being stared down, "A word?" she asked. "Is there a problem, Y/n?" "There's no problem, karl." I simple said before the two of us walked out



"We cannot show him these." I said looking back at my brother. "These images will be his undoing And our way in."she countered. "But they're not just images." "That's exactly what they are." why can't he understand the importance of the photos of lucy she's just a kid... "We can't use lucy like that." "It's a tradeoff we have to make." "So, we are using a dead 12-year-old girl in a bathing suit As a bargaining chip? For what?" "To him it's not just a photograph. It's much, much more, and we need to know what." " it's more to him that's exactly why we shouldn't give these-......Look, I.....I've never done this before." "And you don't have to now." he said, there was a pause of silence, "Yes, I do." "All right. when I feel he's ready to talk, I'll leave the room. You get him talking. Whatever he does, whatever you feel, Just stay on script. We need to know why he killed those families."


Spencer's POV

" So lucy dies last, alone. This by itself doesn't really mean anything, But when we look again at the Williams file, We notice that the majority of the foreign fingerprints Came from Karen Williams's room, Which means the unsub spent most of his time in there with Karen." I spoke looking over the board of information we collected so far. As best as I was trying to stay focused on the case u still found my mind wandering back to Y/n. i was still fairly anger with her ... the last thing i wanted was to have ehr ther lingering in the back of my head. but thankfully Hudson spoke and broke me out of my thoughts.

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