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I looked over to another screen To the Sadie that started to fill with photos of peoples faces and then I saw it. It was blurred a bit but it was definitely who it thought it was. Garcia looked over and stopped what she was doing. "Is that?" " Floyet..." I said feeling my heart raise. "Oh my god,"


Y/n Pov

He's been watching me, I knew i felt a little off but how long was this been happening? How many chances did he have, god I was only getting lunch and he was there. I felt my heart rise, I wasn't afraid of him to begin with but after seeing what he could do to Arron I was terrified.

"Y/n?? Y/n??" I heard Garcia say boy I didn't bother on looking up, I couldn't look up, I can't move, I can't breath. I'm having a panic attack. "Oh my god okay I'll be right back." I heard Garcia said before running out. My legs started to feel weak and I went down to my knees, moments later I was able to hear a bunch of food steps get closer.

The door opened and I quickly felt someone's arms around me, "Garcia what is happening." I could hear Morgan ask. I heard typing on the keyboard and then it was silence. I lifted my heat to be meet with Spencer's worried eyes, he was the one holding me. Morgan spoke up "Is that??" "Foyet" I mumbled. "When was this??" Spencer asked, "today.."

After some silence I was able to clam down, I started to stand up and Spencer followed along and got up aswell. I felt him arm go over me which helped me clam down a bit. "When was this?" Emily asked me. "3ish" I answered. " how did you know?" Asked Garcia. "It was just a feeling..." I said.

I looked over everyone else who was standing there in silence. "I- I will be right back." I said walking out of gracias office. What should I do, call Arron? Go home? Well where I'm staying ? No he might be watching from there. I could go to a hotel.

"Y/n?" I looked over to see Spencer standing there, "hi" "I was going to ask if you're okay but it's kinda obvious you're not." I looked at him, "I don't know what to do" I said and before I knew it he was hugging me, I returned the hug and he stood there for a few minutes before I pulled away. "I Need to um call Arron." I said taking my phone out of my pocket.

I tuned away from Spencer as the phone rang out, "Hotchner" "Arron... " "Y/n? You sound off, is eveything okay?" "No... he's been watching me." I heard silence, "when was this? Wait no Where are you?" "The office." "Okay I'm on my way there now" he said hanging up. I turned back to Spencer. "He's in his way here."


Everyone was sitting at the table, it was quite... to quite for my liking. I heard the door open and saw Arron walk in, I got up and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight, after we let go we both sat down. "Okay tell me everything."

I cleared my throat and started talking, I started when I left the office to get food, went too the park area. I started to falter a bit but continued. "I felt off like I was being watched so I lefted. After I finished all my files I whent to go say my good bye to Garcia then asked her to look into it and that's when she found." I gestured over to her.

"I was able to pick up this slightly blurry photo of someone there, at the same time while also facing the direction of her. And here." She pulled up the photo on the screen. it was Foyet no doubt about it. "That's him." Arron mumbled. "Do you think he has been watching you before." "I don't know" I said. "Okay so are you still staying with Reid?" Hotch asked. Morgan and JJ looked over confused. "Yes" I said. "Okay well we're not fully sure what he's trying to gain so continue to your regular schedule like nothings wrong. Don't let him think that we know, but also don't leave or go anywhere alone." Arron said.

I nodded and glanced over to Spencer, "okay so now we should deal with the rest of this tomorrow, we will start with the cameras in the area and try to see where he is going or where he's has come from, now everyone get some sleep ." Morgan spoke up. Everyone one started to get up. "Hey hotch are you coming back?" JJ asked. "No haven't gotten the okay yet form the doctor but I just needed to come in to hear about this in Person but please keep me updated." He said.


We pulled into the parking lot of, I looked Kent to Spencer who was driving. He insisted but he kind of drives like a grandmother. I got out of the car and looked around us, it was now dark due to the meeting me had. The two of us made our way inside and up to his apartment.

Once inside I went to do now normal night routine, I had a shower, got pyjamas on which was just track pants and a t-shirt. I made my way out of the washroom and grabbed a glass of water. I turned over to see Reid. "Hey im just going to go off to bed. Are you okay?" I looked over to him and nodded. "Yeah im good." I said and watched as he walked off to bed.

I walked to my room and opened the door walking in, I looked at all the files on the floor. I can't be in here, I grabbed my a pillow and a blanket. I made my way out and set up on The couch. I looked around and saw how dark it was, no it's too dark. I got up and tuned on the lights and sat back down on the couch, is the door locked? I got up and walked to the door, yeah it is. Sat back down, I looked over to the table where my gun sat.


I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't, I can't. I had the tv in and played it on random documentaries. I sat there on the couch constantly looking around for anything ready for anything. He got Arron off guard so I can't let him. I herd a door open and quickly looked over seeing Spencer walk out, he looked at me then everything around. The lights, pillows and blankets, then the gun.

He walked over to me, "he can't get you." He said with his raspy tone voice. "He got Arron so he can get me." "I won't let that." He said. "What if you can't." I asked looking at him. "I promise" he said. I nodded and over to the side for a second. I'm that time he took a seat beside me, "do you want me to stay?" I looked over. "Yeah" I mumbled.

Spencer nodded and sat back a bit, I leaned my body into him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Can we keep the lights on?" "Yeah... we can." He mumbled pulling the blankets over us. I didn't realize how tired I was till I allowed myself to sleep. I passed out within seconds, I felt comfortable and safe.


Okay y'all were getting there.

Please comment and vote!! really helps me out a lot and I'd love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

1312 words

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