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" we got everything we need. Let's head back and I think the team need to know what we found" Reid said and we both headed to the car driving to the local police station.

Reid's Pov

I looked over to Y/n as she got into the drivers side. She quickly started up the vehicle and started to drive to the police station where we were stationed at. I started to think into more depth of the case, there is a low percentage that it could be a female dominance but with all the information we have it points to it.

I got caught out of my thoughts when someone poked my shoulder. I jumped slightly and looked over seeing Y/n. "Hey spacey we're here." She said getting out of the car. I quickly followed along into the building, we did have to show our credentials but was quickly taken ti where everyone else was.

Hotch looked over to Y/n and I as we entered, "so did you find anything?" And quickly Y/n was quick to speak. "Is a women," "but we didn't profile tha-" "yet... with this victim, their face was smeared with lipstick. And-" Hotch interrupted. "I said we didn't profile it.." she said looking over to her. She seemed down close her mouth instead up continuing on.

So I spoke up. "We did profile a possible partnership. And with the environments the victims seem to be take From it seems it would. Large environments, lots of people. And because most of the victims are women, they wouldn't be scared or fee out of place walking out with another women."

"Sounds like a female dominance where the male partner doesn't even realize they're taking the submissive role in the partner ship." Rossi spoke up. "Thanks Reid this he-" "I'd was mostly Y/n" I cut him off, "sorry, thank you both." He said looking over to Y/n who seemed to look off in a way. After the briefing finished I saw as she quickly tried to escort herself out seeming to be in deep thought.

Y/n Pov

I can't handle him all he tries to do is shot me down, he's not even Listening to what I have to say. He only expected it because it came form Reid, I will never be good for him will I? I found myself cut out of my thoughts now outside of the station. I didn't even realize I brought myself out here but too the time to blow off some steam.

I made my way down the street just too take a lap around the block, "Y/n!" I turned around to see Prentiss making her way towards me." Yeah? Did you need something?" I asked stopping in my tracks. "Oh no I just wanted to talk." She said starting to walk beside me, "so, I'm guessing you and Hotch doesn't have the best relationship." "Prentiss, please don't profile me." "Sorry it's a habit." She said chuckling a bit. "I know this job can be lot so I want to let you know that you have friend" "thanks p-" "Emily, we're friends now." "Thanks Emily." I said smiling feeling less stressed about earlier.

My back pocket started to buzz, I reached back and pulled out my cell answering it, "Hotchner, yep she's here. Okay we will be right now there." I hung up and looked over to Emily, "it was Rossi, another body was found, male again." "They are evolving " "and spiralling." I finished as the two of us started to head back to the station.


No one's Pov

The team started to make their way up the crime scene, they walked past the tape and make their way up the the officer walking to them, "victim is Andrew Raymond, a shop owner in the area called it in,"

"The body was put here in the open and during the day." JJ stated, "a very high risk environment." Reid added on. Y/n made her way over to the body and bent down over it. "Same ligature marks on the back..... can we get him flipped over to to the side?" She asked. Two officers made their way over making sure to put on gloves. They flipped them over and what she was looking for was right there. "The lipstick.... It wasn't with any of the perevious female victims and the male victims seem to have more pain and dehumanization inflicted on them." Y/n spoke.

"The female picks the victim" Reid stated, "why would you think that?" Hotch asked. " female victims have less harm done and are sexually assaulted, male are more harm and are not. Female picks victim and male has control." Y/n spoke but Reid started to continue, "but he really Doesn't have control. It's the female Unsub who is pulling all the strings." " with how the gender of victim changed and the killing are getting more close together it points to the female spiralling out wanting more." Y/n said. "So if the female started spiralling she will have more control and try and take more dominant in the partner ship." JJ spoke. "Making more room for falter with the relationship."Derek mumbled, "I think we're ready to deliver the profile..." Hotch spoke.


Y/n Pov

We all stood infont of the officers before us, Arron spoke up and began describing the Unsubs and their relationships but I was zoned out to hear. I was in my mind, thanink trying to look at a different aspect of the killings. By this time they most likely have another busted or are looking for one. Victims ... what do they have in common. That's the last price we haven't found. We thought they were at random but what if they are connected.

I came back to reality looking over to see Reid looking back at me. He had a somewhat concerned look but I looked over to Arron who's still speaking and left the room. I made my way to the conference room where we were set up and and pressed on my sped dial.

"Y/n my new lovely what can this tech queen do for you." Garcia spoke over the phone. "I need you to look at all the victims pasts and see if anything coronates together.." "but we profiled there wasn't a connection. " "please, I think I have something." In the background I heard the door open but I didn't look back.

"Okay it doesn't look like anythin-" "what about bank history or purchases or any kind." " okay my love I have oh ... all victims have made purchases at same plaza of stores recently." "Can you cross the time over with when they were last seen." I looked over to see Reid talking, he back his hand placed on the table leaning over the phone. "Oh boy wonder welcome. It looks like all purchases where all made there before their disappearance."

"That's their hunting ground." I said looking to Reid. The door opened again and we both looked back to see the team walking in. "We know where the unsubs hunting ground is," Reid spoke looking at the group. Arron's Brows raised and walked closer while the two of us started to explain. "Okay Reid and Y/n go there, you have the most info on it. And try to find something that could help. " Rossi said.

Reid and I nodded towards Rossi and quickly grabbed our things before heading out to the vehicle. I started the car and we headed down the the plaza to hopefully find anything that could help us with the case.What happened next I wasn't ready for....


Please comment and vote it helps me out! Also I would love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

1312 words

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