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" I can get to Arron's Place and back here in under a half an hour." I said. "Who's that.?" Barton asked. " our supervisor we were supposed to work today we were having trouble getting a hold of him."Reid said. "But we need more eyes... I'll be back as fast as I can."

Season 5: episode 4 - Nameless, Faceless

Y/n Pov

I walked out of Barton's house and made my over to my car. Once I got in I started to drive to hitch's apartment building, on the way I gave him a call but no one picked up. I got to his apartment building making my way inside, I walked up the stairs to his floor and walked up to his door. I knocked a few times but there wasn't an answer.

" Aaron it's me Y/n ... are you there??" No answer. I sighed and pulled out my phone calling him once more, the phone rang once but form inside of the apartment a phone was going off. I hung up and the ringing stopped aswell. I reached to see if the door was unlocked and it was, Arron never leaves his doors unlocked.

I pulled out my gun and opened the door walking inside. Keys on the table, bag on the couch, bullet hole in the wall and ... blood. Blood on the floor. I quickly turned my head around while keeping my gun high. I turned around the corner to go though the On my way! hole house. Glass, I stopped and looked down seeing a hatter Ed glass on the floor... beside it was the phone under the table... and his gun. His gun was in its holster in the table... I moved along and I made shire the whole house was clear I put my gun away.

I took a second to look around I glazed over the papers on his desk but saw his contact book out. I looked at the side to see that there were two pages were missing the page holding the 'B's and one with the 'G's. I continued to glaze around to see if there was a note or anything. I stopped at the middle of the room.

I stood there looking down at blood patch in the floor, I pulled out my phone and called Garcia, " overtime shift, Penelope speaking" "Garcia it's Y/n... Listen carefully, somethings happened to Arron." "What do you mean something." "I don't know I at his apartment he's not here but there's blood." "Oh my god." " I need police and FBI techs here right away ...everyone available." I said.

" all right everyone do I need an APB." Garcia said. "No only oh hitch I checked, his car is still here." "Somebody took him??" "I don't know there's a lot of blood it's hard to tell .....just get people here." I said mobbing my hair out of my face. "okay I'm gonna send army." "Garcia ... I'm going to call Reid because he's expecting me back but don't tell anyone... they can't get distracted." "Okay ...okay." She said before hanging up the phone.

I stood there for a second looking around the scene around me. I bit my lip trying not to break down, I just need to do my job. I let out a shaker sigh before calling Spencer, "hello?" "Arron is missing," "what?" "He's missing,." "What's re you talking about" Reid said and Barton was heard in the background. They spoke back in forth for a second till all I heard was Spencer.

"Tell me what Happened." He said. "I got to his apartment no one answered so I walked in his stuff was everywhere ...blood on the floor as well as glass. There's a hole in the wall probably a 44... No blood or tissue spray around it." I said .

"Any idea how he got out?" Reid asked. "If he was shot. There are no drag marks but a body could have been... been wrapped in something." I mumbled looking to to the patch of blood.

"Hey, Y/n is going to be okay, we will find him." "Okay...." I said. "Okay is the Burau techs on their way?" "Yeah." "Okay take notes of what you see and we will profile them when you get back." "'s Doctor Barton?" "It's a lot of files to go through." "Okay don't worry about me stay focused." "Alright you too.." I heard Spencer say before I hung up.

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