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" They're going to find him right?" I looked over to see Garcia. "No they're not". Arron said looking over to the tv showing Foyets face. "He said he was gonna be more famous than we knew...and he was right"


Y/n Pov

Since the Reaper case we were given some time to ourselves which was the last thing I needed. I sat on the couch looking at the tv infont of me, Foyets face plastered on ever news channel. I have never had a case in my life were the unsub escaped.

I looked down at the files covering my floor and sighed, I need to get out. I walked to my closet and put a pair of jeans on and a nice knitted sweater. My hair was tied up in a bun and I had makeup on form the day before Whitby stayed intact. I left my apartment and made my way out to my car.

I pulled out my phone and pressed on a contact. "Hey Hailey how are you doing?." "Hi Y/n! I'm doing good how about you?" Hailey spoke through the phone."I'm good, I was wondering if you and jack would want to maybe go out for lunch. I haven't seen you guys and awhile" I asked. " well right now Jack is at a friends and I know he'd love to see you too be both would ...would dinner possibly work?" "Yeah of course, let Jack pick I bet he would love that and just tell me where to meet you" "yeah he would and I sure will, see you tonight" "see you tonight."

I hung up and sighed, so what to do till tonight. I could go for a walk? Check out some local places? I decided that would be best to do. I got out of my car and locked it. I made sure I didn't forget my purse and started to walk along. The area where I lived seemed very nice, aswell as the people.

I got to a little street of stores, form the corner of my eye I saw a coffee shop. I made my way across the street and entered the shop. It seemed so pretty inside. Everything matched and felt comforting in a way. I walked up to the front counter and looked at the drinks. "Hi what can I get for you?" I looked over and saw a worker standing there. "I'm I'll get F/D please."

Once after paying j was handed my drink and walked out of the shop. As I walked down the street, I glanced through the window of every store. There was so much variety in such a little area. While walking I came along a park area filled with people, chess boards were ours out a seats and people were playing.

I smiled and walked Over to check it out, there was a older man playing by himself. "Hi, do you mind if I join?" He looked up at me and smiled, "oh not at all." I took a seat across from him. "I'm Darrell," "Y/n, nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

Once setting up the board we determined I'd be black and hun while. After starting it was fun and simple but after time it started to get more intense. People started to gather around at our game as we moved prices flawlessly across the board. "What do you see?" He asked me. I looked over the broad, "checkmate in 4" he shook his head.

I moved my next piece and he followed along , it happened once more before he stopped looking at the board. "Well I be dammed." He said knocking over his queen. "You are very good dear." "Thank you." I said chatting with him for a bit.

He said he had to meet his wife for lunch today so I waved him off. "Hope you play you again." I said as he smiled walking away. I was about to leave when I heard a voice. "Wanna play?" I looked over and saw none other then Spencer Reid.

"Spencer hi!" I smiled as he took a seat,"yeah of course," I said seeting up the board. "I've never seen you here before." He said moving his first piece. "It's my first time here, wel my first time exploring the area. I need to get out of the house becaus- " "Foyet... yeah same here. Whenever I get stressed about anything I tend to come here and play chess or go to the library." He said as I moved my piece.

"Yeah... I couldnt keep looking at the tv so I left and started to explore... not sure I could find my way home if I tried." I said laughing. Spencer chuckled in response as the game continued. "I could show you around. I'm there's a few cool places I actually think you would like, there's this museum that had the most amazing artifacts." He said in the fast tone he get when exited about something.

I smiled back and nodded. "Yeah! That would be great" I moved another piece along the board. "So after I beat you in this game?" I asked. "Or when I beat you." He said moving forward his knight. I looked over the board, not knowing how I could t see that. "Oh you are sly Doctor Reid." I said pushing over my Queen. "I guess is looks like we're tied." He said getting up to pack his things.

I did the same making sure to put the board pieces back where they were. " so you ready to go?" Reid asked me, "yep the Spencer Reid exclusive tour." "I ... okay. Let's go" he said pulling his satchel over him.


I followed beside Reid as we made our way down the street. "So are you liking the area!" He asked, "yeah it's really nice and the people are also... well most." "Yeah there are always some people." He said.

We continued in till we made it up to the museum, I was the first to enter. I'm the inside look amazing, walls covered in old relics and art. The two of us walked up to the booth and pay, "don't worry I'll pay." Spencer said pulling out his debit card. "Oh no Spencer it's fine." "No I'll pay. I wanted to show you this place anyways." I looked over to him and smiled, "thanks."

We're we're about to start walking when Reid spoke up, "there's a whole section on Greek and Roman mythology... " he looked at me, "I saw you reading a book about Greek mythological myths 3 weeks ago, 2 days- " I nodded and looked towards him, "sometimes that memory of yours freaks me out." I laughed. 

"Surprisingly you are not the first to say that." He said as we started to walk down the halls of the museum. "Well I'm not surprised." I said smiling over as we made our way into the ancient Greek and Roman section.

I stopped and looked around smiling, i always enjoyed history. We spent more time walking around, Spencer told me weird crazy facts about almost everything we saw there. One was so weird on how I'm ancient Chinese times they would play Soccer with severed heads.

We also just chatted about things we enjoyed but the conversation turned down hill when we came appon some old farming equipment. You would think find me a criminal wouldn't effect you so much but the scythe... the symbolization of the Reaper.

"Do you think we will find them??" I asked looking to Reid. "I know that we have the power to get him, it's just finding him. Is our issue." "Yeah.... I just... never had a unsub get away..." "it feels like the hairs on the back of your neck are always standing up." Spencer said looking towards me, "yeah"

My phone rung and I quickly picked it up, "Hotchner." "Is that how you always answer the phone, you sound like Arron." "Hailey, hi!" "So i was talking to Jack and he wants to go to this restaurant called Canteen, you went there with us once before." "Oh yes are you heading over there now?" "Yep, alright I'll be there as fast as I can." I looked over to Reid who stood there looking at me, "is it alright if one of my friends comes along, he's lonely." Reid looked at me and made a face, "I'm not lonely" "sure more the merrier" Hailey said. "Alright we will see you guys there."


I hope you are having fun reading this as much I am writing this. I'm going I say this, this will be a very long book that will most definitely will not end soon.

Pleaseq comment and vote!! really helps me out a lot and I'd love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

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