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The words form Emily came back into my head. ' it seems like you're denying your feelings' I looked back over to Reid who was focussed on the keys smiling. I'm not denying feelings, theses are normal feelings.... Friendship feelings not.. romantic, i no. I don't like him like that.... Do I?


Y/n Pov

Within the next week or so Spencer and I made it back to work. First it was me, then Spencer got the okay to come back a few days later. It was just all paperwork and files, there wasn't any large cases for the time being.

I walked out of the washroom and made it back over to my desk, I sat down and pulled a file out In front of me. I've been trying to focus on the files, papaerwork ... work in general but for the last bit I haven't been able to focus on anything. To many things were on my mind, Arron, Hailey, Jack, Foyet, Spencer ... god Spencer.

I turned over glance to see him talking with Morgan, our eyes met and he smiled in my direction. I returned the smile and looked back down at my work there. I need to stop, i can't be thinking like this... Spencer no... we are friends, coworkers.

I was taken out of my thoughts when my stomach grumbled, I haven't eaten yet today. I organized my files and put them to the side, looks like it's time for a break. I started to make my way out to the elevator and went down to the main floor. I made my way outside to my car and got in, I started it up and drove off. There was this place a little bit into town that has F/F. I could honestly eat it everyday if my life.


Once getting my food I didn't want to go back to the office and eat it there. I just didn't like the crowed area and I didn't want Spencer or Morgan stealing my food. I drove past a nice park which Had nice seating, I parked on the side and got out of my car. I closed the door and walked out to one of the seating areas, I opened my take out boxes and I was about to eat.

It was a nice area, in the distance there we people walking, kids playing different games and just people sitting at benches. There was a vast amount of sunlight and a nice breeze. I continued to look around  and just enjoy the environment. It's been a while since I've been able to enjoy something.

Then a wave of feeling went over me, the felling you get when you feel like someone's watching you. I put my fork down and looked around at the people around me. The same as before, people, kids, that was all. I started to pack up my things and got up, I looked around the area once more before heading to my car. I got in and started the car up heading back to the office.


I walked into the bullpen with my things and put it onto my desk. I opened up my take out and I was about to start eating my food but I lost my appetite. I pushed it to the side and pulled out the files I had previously laid out.  In the distance I saw Morgan walking up with a smile. "What do you have fire me today" I looked over to him. "You can have it," I said pushing it over.

He gave me a look, "hey are you okay?"  I looked over to him, "oh yeah just tried." "Alright you can talk to any of us but thanks for the food" "you welcome and I know." I said going back to my work. I glanced up seeing Spencer looking a me, he seemed he was thinking but once he realized I was looking at him just turned away.

I got confused and looked back down to my work, as time went on I made it through my whole pile of work. Once I was finished I thought of anything else I was behind on, thankfully I was ahead and it was still bright out. It was rare for me to finish my work while the suns still out.

I decided to go and say my good nights, for the most park. I made my way to gracias cave and knocked on the door before walking in. I saw her running around from her set up and smiled, "hello my love what brings you here to my cave of wonders." I smiled. "Hi, I'm just saying my goodbyes for the night." He smiled and wished me good night aswell. "Hey, Y/n how are you doing? Settling back in okay?" "Yeah, just todays been a off day... wait actually could I ask something from you?" "Of corse what can I do?"

"Could you possibly pull up some security footage from buildings around the park on main?" I asked. "Uh yeah I can, why are you needing this?" She asked. "Um, a hunch." I said seing various angles of footage. "Could you go to around 3 in the afternoon?" She nodded and brought it up. "Okay there you go, wait is that you?" She asked as I looked on the screen seeing me walking to the seat. "Yeah... can you go though and grab our faces that are able to be seen?" I asked and she nodded going along.

I looked over to another screen To the Sadie that started to fill with photos of peoples faces and then I saw it. It was blurred a bit but it was definitely who it thought it was. Garcia looked over and stopped what she was doing. "Is that?" " Floyet..." I said feeling my heart raise. "Oh my god,"


Haha bitches another cliffhanger, I'm sorry I love y'all but you gonna hate me in the future.

Please comment and vote!! really helps me out a lot and I'd love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

1025 words

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