'ok ok heichou'

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I woke up in my bed And swung my feet onto the floor, I got my clothes that where folded near the end of my bed.

I put on my t shirt,jeans and straps. I grabbed my boots from near the door and put them on.

The only rule of me having my own room is that im not aloud out till Captain comes and gets me.

Its a bit better than the damp basement to be honest. After about 20 minutes I heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" I said getting up from my bed

"Oi are you ready?" I heard a voice from the other side of the door say. "Yes sir" I said opening the door.

I saw a short raven undercut man standing there. "Morning jeager" He said walking in.

"Morning heichou" I said closing the door and sitting on my bed. Captain adverted my gaze, instead he looked around the room for mess.

After he cleaned up a few he went infront of me and kissed my forehead.
My face went a bit pink but I didn't say much to him about it.

"Right lets go to breakfast" he said sticking his hand out to help me up, "youve still got a few more combat sessions with me then we move on to odm gear"

He said walking downstairs "Yes sir."

We turned into the mess hall and eyes went on the both if us. Sometimes I wonder if  they all knew and one day ill walk down and they will all ask me.

I walked to armin and mikasas table and sat down beside them. "Hey eren!" Armin shouted cheerfully.

Mikasa ruffled my hair and smiled a little. I looked over to horse face and saw he had a diffrent hairstyle today.

Looked a bit like erwins. "Well horseface, diffrent mane you have on you huh?".

I said chuckling "Shut your gub titan fuck" he said grabbing his drink and downing the rest of it. "Drink up horsie, horses tend to get dry throats if they walk for too long"

I said pushing my cup over too him. "Shut up maniac!" He said pushing my cup back over to me. A bit got on my shirt and I was pissed and I got up to hit him.

I felt a hand on my wrist, I turned my head to reveal it was levi. "Captain?" I said putting my arm down. He let go

"Stop starting fights you fucking wee shit" he said pushing my shoulder. Oh yeah, he has to act all captainy right now. Later he will probably be hugging me telling me sorry

"Starring problem jeager?" He said giving me a cold glare "Sorry sir!" I said saluting him.

"Anyways we have training hurry the fuck up" he said turning around and walking up the steps. I waved goodbye to the others and walked up the steps to meet him.

I ran out into the back garden and he was sitting there with his arms crossed. "Hey Captain" I said smiling and walking over to him. "Hey brat" he said walking over to the combat área and getting into a stance.
I ran at hin trying to punch him. He kept dodging but refuesed to hit me. "Sir why arent you fighting too?"

I asked standing still in my stance. "I really don't feel like bringing a brat to the hospital and your other injurys haven't healed just yet"

He said looking at me. "I see." I said smirking. I wanted to try and find a way for him to have to hit me. I wanna see if he would feel sorry or not.

I ran at him predicting his dodges and trying to slash him with the fake knife.
I kept slashing not caring if it wasn't even hitting him.

It was about to hit his face and he accidently lifted his leg up and kicked me in my chin

"Hey eren!" He shouted running over to me. "Sorry didn't mean to do that,just incstinc" he said lefting me up so I sat on the floor.

He lifted up my chin and looked at the purpleish bluish bruise. "Ok were done today" he said lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Watch your mucky!- ... never mind"
He said cutting himself off.
He walked into the medic room and grabbed a ice pack quick then walked out of the room then through the hall

He walked up the stairs and walked past  mikasa, armin and jeans rooms. He took a right and walked into his room.

"Right just.." He said looking at me sitting on the bed. "Lay down or something "

He said looked at me. He took off my straps and shoes then ran out of the room and came back in 30 seconds.

He threw my sleep wear at me and started to move towards me. "Want me to put on your shirt?" He said once again asking for permission

I found it cute and comforting that he cares about how I feel. "Yeah thanks." I said touching my neck a little.

He unbottoned my shirt and started to put my head through the sleep wear shirt very gently and slowly being careful not to hit my neck.

He turned around and I threw on my trousers súper quickly. He turned back around and gripped my uniform and folded it all.

He then crawled behind me on the bed and put his back up against his pillows.

He started to rub my stomache in circles and put his head on the back of my neck

"Hey eren, sorry for being rude earlier, and for kicking you and all I didn't mean to" he started to hold me tighter and rub my hair.

"Ok ok heichou its really fine"i said laughing a tiny bit.

He kept his hand on the ice pack on my neck. we both fell asleep.

I soon woke up after about 3 hours atleast i think so and grabbed my uniform and walked back into my room to sleep. It would be strange if someone caught me coming out of his room

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