'captains dog'

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I wanna apologise for not posting! I was working in my life problems in highschool and other stories. Truley sorry please forgive me ♡♥︎

I woke up. Silence, I thought as my back rose up... "AUGHAAAA" I screamed at the top if my lungs...

I saw hangi. Trying to FEED me another bug!!???

"GET AWAY YOU WITCH" I screamed kicking her.

"Oi whats going on." Captain levi walked downstairs "heyyyy levi!!!" Hanji ran to him

That image still in my head. 'THAT WORM WAS NEAR IN MY MOUTH..' I thought nearly throwing up

"Move shitty glasses" he shoved her into the cell bars. He walked up to me. I'm still covering my mouth just incase

"Oi why are you so pale" he said leaning down into my face

"Never mind ur pink now" he got up. My face still flushed..

'WAIT what why am I blushing' I thought

"Not a good look for you to be honest, you look better when your kinda tan" he walked out of the cell grabbing hanjis hair. Dragging her with him

I fell onto my pillow so hard it felt like a brick. Why would he say That!?. I thought

"Right brat I'm back" .. "why are you laying there get your ass up?"

He said grabbing my wrists hard and unlocking the chains. 'So agressive..' I thought

Getting up and taking my uniform off the bedside table. Neatly folded.

Captain walked out per usual and walked to the stairs and waited. So I was out of sight

'Hes very respectful..' I thought slidding on my slik collared top

I grabbed my jeans and stuck them on roughly. I grabbed my straps and buckled them all the way upto my crotch. I did the ones on my chest then threw on my jacket

"Oi jeager!"

"Yes sir!?"

"Its cold out. Bring your cloak!"

"Yes sir!" I said
Throwing on my sage green cloak with the wings on the back that I so longed for since childhood.

I ran out of the cell. With gloves on and a scarf. "Well aren't you lively this morning"

"Care to tell why?"

"Its winter Captain!" Captain looked at me disatisfied

"I don't really dislike winter nor like it. Ok then let's go"

He said turning on his heel. His cloak nearly hitting my face as it moved fastly

"Captain wait for me!" I shouted after him

He brought me to this room "Whats this?"

Wait here" he said walking in leaving the door open

The walls where stone with medals of honour, of duty, of survival

A fire place, a dark navy rug.

A nice ass bed. Big drawers and 2 cut out badges on his wall with picture frames. "Uhn sir" I said

Him clearly not hearing me because of him being half way across his room. He was digging in his drawer for something

I just admired how spotless the place was

He came out wearing gloves and a scarf. They where a lovely royal blue



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