Chapter 3

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The sleeping beauty

I woke up and started my morning as usual exept I had to clean my cell because it was 'filthy'. Or so what Captain levi said

"Eren! Wake you ass up look at this room it is filthy?!" Eren groaned as he moved his body to sit up.

"Sort yourself out brat, the bed head you get is insane. And clean this shitty room" he said walking over to the boy  to unlock the chains on his wrists. Once done so eren said "Thank you sir" levi shrugged his shoulders and walked out of erens cell

"Oi Eren? You done getting changed! You take as long as a woman" Levi said in a sarcastic tone.

Eren lifted all the books he was reading and showed them into the shelfs, and  then grabbed his thrown off pillow and bedsheets and did his bed.

He used a cloth to wipe the mirror. "Done Captain levi!"

He ran out of the cell waiting training to get over and done with. Levi took him to the stairs of the cellar and walked him up them, "Brat?"  "Yes sir?" Eren replied innocently "on this mission you are not aloud to leave my side got it?" Levi said "Yes sir I fully understand!" Levi nodded and walked to the kitchen to use the back door which Led to a field and a smal forest "Alright brats line up!"

They all lined up. "Ok todays training is.. manuver gear and how to get it on quickly when in battle!"  "Yes sir!" Everyone shouts but not eren it takes him a solid 10 minutes to put on the gear.

"Eren do you not understand, or are you to lazy to sat something?" Levi said in a rude tone "No sir I understand but,...I don't know how to put manuver gear on?"

Everyone including hange looked at him in shock not levi tho. He looked at him with pity "Ugh that camp of shits don't teach brats anything do they?!"

Eren didn't respond "ok Eren just come with me for the day then" Eren nodded and levi speed walked over to a patch of grass thats overgrown .
"Ok so.." levi grabs erens hips "you grab your belt here then you.." levi was talking to Eren step by step but Eren could only hear.


In levis voice, he did see that levi was really close to him and surprised he hasn't got beating yet.
"Understand?" Levi said to Eren who was clearly  not playing attention.

"No sir sorry its complecated.." He didn't want to respond the truth so he lied. He just wasn't listening.

Levi held the bridge of his nose and clicked his tounge "no bloody wonder you don't know how to learn simple stuff. You never listen, thats gonna get you killed someday"

Once training was over Everyone was exhuasted. But levi was the most tired, He never thought dealing with a 16 year
old boy would be so hard "Captain you look faint" Petra asks and everyones attention go to the small man "I am fine now turn your disgusting faces around" some chuckle and walk back to the mess hall.

Once everyone has eaten eren cleans up while levi is watching in a chair. Levi feels his eye lids become heavy

Then eventually falls to rest. Eren heard a light breathing and looks over to the Captain "Oh sh-" eren is done the dishes and runs to the Captain before he falls. He dosent know where his room is so he brought him to his office and set him down on a sofa and threw his jacket around him.

Eren admired his features for a few minutes then the Captain started shuffiling so then he stopped. "Captain ? If its fine I will go to my cell to rest and read till you are able to chain me up??" Levi shoos Eren away with his hand then Eren leaves "man 7pm captains not going to wake up I don't think" Eren mumbles.

Time skip

Levi woke up to screaming he threw on his jacket and ran to the yelling. "HANGE!" the angered man ran into her lab room "oh come here titan Eren I just want you to eat one. Only one!" She was chasing Eren with a worm.

Levi Spin kicked her in the leg and grabbed erens wrist "Hange what the hell!" Levi screamed while eren .. while he looked like he needs therapy but! "I wanted to see if he would turn into a bug titan if he ate one!" Levi face palmed at the stupidity.
While hange cackled at levi doing so

He hit her another boot to the legs


Levi took erens arm and walked him out of the hall "You ok or what?" Eren didn't respond "Hello?? Brain yes no?" 
"Oh Uh I'm kinda fine..she didn't try to shove me down on the ground and FEED me bug.."

He mumbles the last part "let's get your sorry ass to bed" he walked the boy down the hall "alright get in" levis said as he unlocked the cell door Eren gets into his pijamas while levi waited out side.

Levi watched Eren climb into him bed like a kid. I mean I was reading some files on him it said he was a orphan at age 9 the day shiganshinas wall fell. So his parents must of died there

He acts like a child maybe because he hasn't grown up yet, dam brat.

Levi tucks him in he dosent usually do thats and lifts up his worst softly and places it into the chain and does the same to the other one. He walked out of the cell andlocked it behind him "night Eren."  "Goodnight capta-" then all you heard was light snores "Captain. You ment to say thats Right." He wispers the last part he walked out of the room qnd headed to his Chambers to get dressed and finnaly to sleep

°•●○100 words○●•°


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