'~what a day~'

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Eren woke up to levi scolding him again for not waking up the first time he called him name. Eren honestly wanted to shout shut up but he knew he would get his butt kicked.

Levi walked through the jail cell door and was looking at all the keys he had "dammit Erwin did u seriously give me all of these keys?!" Captain levi said with a mad expression. Eren thought levi would take it out on the other cadets so he prepared mentally....and pyshicly... eren did what was told of him.
Which was put up ur arms cadet 'i don't know why he always calls us cadet' Eren thought he coulda just called them by their names.

Levi finally after 15 minutes unlocked the dam chains "I'm gonna have to get Erwin to replace them rusty ass things" levi said in a not so pleased voice

Levi walked out leaving Eren standing there Eren and eren go dressed as soon as possible to try make levi happy with his charm which obviously wouldnt happen but if he wasnr in a grumpy mood that would also be fine.

Levi waited 5 mins for eren once he got out him and levi walked up the cellqr stairs...

.... °•○●○•°....

"Captain?" Eren asked trying not to make the man angry "what is it brat???"
"Well um.. i know its not my place to ask but are you quite alright ...?" Levi stopped his feet from moving any further and stared at the boy "your right its not your place to ask Eren" levi then walked on past hanges lab which she of course saw eren.

So levi grabs the boys arm and runs away from that crazy woman. "Tch shes a gremlin and crazy lady" levi said panting while eren was gasping for air
They got their breaths back and continued walking.. they got to the mess hall qnd ate food with the other cadets.


Levi didnt let eren with olou so instead levi took eren for combat

"But captain thats not fair it should be skilled cadets against strongest?!" Oluo said angry "last time i checked your jelousy got the better of you and you went too hard on Eren because he beat you the first round correct?" (Slay levi ok back to the book..) the others where too stunned to talk back after that...

Levi hits eren a right hook in the leg and then a punch to the stomache. All the other cadets saw was eren flying around like bloody super man
"Ouch!" Eren exclaimed while holding his leg and stomache "Ugh can't even handle the simple moves brat how on earth did u pass the training" Eren coughs up a "I don't know sir" levi bends down to eren and picked him up

 All the other cadets saw was eren flying around like bloody super man "Ouch!" Eren exclaimed while holding his leg and stomache "Ugh can't even handle the simple moves brat how on earth did u pass the training" Eren coughs up a "I don't know sir"...

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This pic but obviously erens not nearly dieing...) "am I too heavy sir ill walk if u wish..???" Eren kept throwing questions at him "Eren just shut up" levi simply said as he walked over to the imfermary
"Sorry for the trouble Captain I'm so sorry" Eren said while levi was undoing his straps on his legs and chest. "Eren. Your obviously gonna get hurt in combat against me stop apologising!" Levi shouted at the boy

It seems thats all he needed to do to get the boy to shut up

Levi pulled up erens white jeans and saw a bruises start to form "jeez its pure purple" levi said not shocked but worried. Levi put some plasters on erens face and got a big one for erens leg "do you wanna do this or me. He said while kneeling down fixing his straps and rubbing his white jeans so it would be straight and not crinkly "what do you mean sir..?" Erens said afraid to speak

"Do you wanna parche up your chest or me obviously?" Levi said in a rude tone "I don't know how to do medical service sir.." levi looked shocked "what on earth did they even teach you at that camp??!" 

"Umm how to survive I guess.." levi clicked his tounge as he unstraped the boys straps and undid his buttons.

Levi saw bluish and purple ish bruises and one big brown one on his stomache and a few cuts from the wooden knife. He plastered the bit bruises the moved on to the little ones and put achohol on the cuts. And a little bit of pain reliefe cream and a plaster.

Levi did erens buttons and straps again "there all fixed up he said helping eren get down of the stool

"Ouch!" Eren said as he fell towards levi  levi grabbed Eren by the hips on accident to stop him from falling "Uh?" Levi said letting eren grab onto a table to hold himself up "ow ow my leg hurts so bad.." He stabled himself "hold onto my shoulder and walk to the mess hall I'm not being late for dinner again. Eren did what told so he held onto levis hip and shoulder

"I said shoulder brat!" "Sorry sir!" Eren let go as they walked down the mess hall stairs. Levi held under erens arms to support him down stairs "sorry sir!" Eren shouted while everyone laughed at the 2 even erwin and hange laughed their heads off "Shut up brat!" He said on the last step "Yes sir sorry Sir!" Eren baiscly did the oposit of what his Captain said while everyone calmed down.

Levi helped eren over to a chair beside Petra and then went over to hange and erwin "Well aren't you the gentle man today levii?" Hange said mocking him "shut up four eyes" he said

                       °•time skip•°

Eren and levi went down to the cellar and levis carrying him half the way. "Sorry sir for the trouble!!!" Eren said levi just sighed as he helped the taller boy down "alright sit on this chair outside" he sat down and levi opened the cell and helped eren over to the bed and chained him up....

Good night sir!"

Night eren" what a day levi thought?

°•1014 words guys•°

the brat that drives him crazyWhere stories live. Discover now