Never Break The Ice(Yandere Weiss x Male Reader)

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Suggested by Spookyp9

Life in Remnant weren't always happy times especially for one Weiss Schnee as she always got what she wanted well almost everything she didn't get the leader position of Team Rwby which at first she was upset about for weeks but she got over it with time. But she noticed a certain man caught her attention which doesn't happen often his name was Y/n Kazuma a Huntsman who once took down an alpha Nevermore and Alpha Beowulf without any backup but had suffered an injury in his left eye and had to wear an eyepatch which was tough to get used to but made life bearable. Weiss started reading about him and started to obsess over Y/n what his likes and dislikes were favorite foods you get the idea. Her team were happy she found a guy she liked but were worried about her mental state so they tried talking to her but that ended badly as she nearly froze Yang beyond the point of walking and stabbing Blake with her rapier multiple times and then outright covering ruby in scars from a knife. And so this is where our dark tale of obsession and misplaced love begins.

Y/n: So let me get this straight Oz you let one of your students commit crimes that would make even a grimm pee itself and never noticed until now I still wonder how Glynda puts up with you.

Ozpin: Well to be fair Miss Schnee has been rather distracted shall we say. From what I gathered from her former team mates she has an obsession with you and won't listen to anyone but you. Which is why I suggested you talk to her and try to get her to not go crazy again. Please I know we haven't always agreed on everything but just this one favor and I won't ask anymore.

Y/n sighed and rubbed his head at the fact he was going to face a crazy girl. 

Y/n: Alright but you owe me Ozpin I still haven't forgotten that incident with Miss Goodwitch over the locker room scandal!

Y/n walked off mad as he reminded Ozpin about that incident which nearly got him expelled before he got his license. Ozpin sighed as he hadn't forgotten that his former friend was falsely accused by one of the students for stalking Glynda Goodwitch even after his name was cleared.

Y/n: Man my eye itches if it wasn't for that Nevermore pecking my eye out I would still look handsome. Now lets see what kind of crazy I will be dealing with today. 

Y/n made his way to where Weiss is being confined since her team was now disbanded and traumatized beyond recognition. The guards confirmed his ID and let him in but asked to leave his weapons outside the room for security reasons Y/n sighed but did as he complied.

Y/n: Ok lets get this over with.

Y/n walked into her cell where she was being restrained by chains and a straight jacket.

Weiss: Your here your finally here my man my sweet sweet man you will be mine.

Y/n: Easy Ice Queen I don't belong to anyone especially a wacko like you now then this can play out in two ways the easy way where you answer my questions and you will be taken care of for your mental health or the hard way where I get nasty.

Weiss: Oooooooh I like the hard way very bloody and dominating.

Y/n: Hmmmm right then first question what reason caused you to have this mentality to cause your team mates such harm?

Weiss: Simple because I want you and only you. You complete me I want to make you mine my soul mate my only lover.

Y/n: Yea nice try you may act all sweet now but its quite clear that your a crazy bitch.

Weiss didn't say anything for a few minutes and looked at Y/n with a glare of murderous intent.

Weiss: I am not CRAZY!!!

Rwby Oneshots Vol 2(Rwby Girls Various X Male Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now