Chapter Thirty Six | Brainstorms and Conclusions

Start from the beginning

I care. I say, mentally, of course. I slowly make my way towards his desk, getting ready to set the papers down and make myself at home on his desk chair, when he drops the bomb.

"I'm sorry, Y/n."

What?! I drop the papers, knocking the empty bottles and neatly stacked paperwork on his desk, sending papers flying as far as where he's slumped. I quickly duck behind his desk, silently cursing myself.

After shutting my eyes and hitching my breathing and praying to whatever divine being is listening to me, Boss opens another bottle of beer, hopefully signaling that he's still slumped on the ground.

When I slowly poke my head out from the side of the desk, I see that Boss is still indeed slumped against the side of the loveseat, drinking. Thank the— I shake my head, as if making space for his ongoing confession.

"I didn't mean what I said to you that night, and I wish for anything to take those words back," Boss says, his hand closing into a fist. "God...why am I so stupid?"

I quietly clasp my hands together, slightly swinging my hands back and forth and looking up at the sky, whispering the words, "thank you, God".

I get up from my hiding spot, swiftly but quietly picking up the bottles and paperwork and setting them back on his desk. Just when I think I'm done, my eyes land on the paperwork a few feet from Boss.

You have got to be kidding me. How am I supposed to get those? I slowly walk towards him, playing red light, green light, with his breathing and movement patterns.

When I get close to him, I kneel down and grab the papers, and just when I'm about to do a little shoulder wiggle of succession, Boss grabs my wrist, my eyes shutting close, my breathing stopping.

This is it. I'm dead. This is the day I get fired from Boss.

Boss stares at my hand solemnly, then lets go of it and goes back to staring at his hands. "Do you think we can ever talk again—like we used to?"

By the time I open my eyes again, Boss is flipping the bottle upside down, shaking it as if expecting it to magically refill and satisfy his bitter mood.

"I get that you're angry at me, so I won't hold you any longer...if you even cared to listen to me."

I did. I use my hands to haul myself off the ground, my knees aching from kneeling for so long. I slowly open the door, careful to avoid creaks, and successfully manage to escape the scene.

End of Storytelling~

After an uncomfortable amount of silence, a colleague shouts out something. "That doesn't mean anything..!"

"You must be deaf! Did you not hear Hiroko—Boss had practically begged  Y/n for a second chance!" A short and feisty colleague pointed out.

"You have no right to talk. You're basically delusional from all those dramas you watch everyday." That colleague gets a few head nods from the crowd, moving their bets to "Team Daiki"'s side.

"For all we know, they could just be friends and he must've done something—obviously—to upset Y/n." A fairly logical colleague pointed out.

Good thing Endeavor picked him to be head of the Analytic Department.

"But I spotted them going out to eat together one time...!" A distant colleague shouted, grabbing everyone's attention.

Another wave of colleagues nod their heads and place their money on "Team Hiroko"'s side.

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