Chapter Forty | Time Skip A Year

Start from the beginning

"Hah, like she cares. This is the second time she's done that," Enji says, practically grumbling into my breast with his head angled. "It's like she's trying to avoid me."

"Well, on the bright side," I start, repositioning myself so that my back is up against the armrest of the couch, my legs on either side of him, Enji moving his arm to wrap around my side. "You get to talk to her at the wedding."

"That's in two months," Enji states, his voice low. "And it's in a whole other city, with other people there. With the many people that's going to be there, I might get five seconds at best."

I rest my hands on his shoulder, incidentally squishing my breast against his cheek. "You're being dramatic, Enji. They're not going to be that busy."

"You don't know that," Enji mumbles, wrapping both arms around my waist, looking up at me with his chin resting on top of my breasts.

I lean down to steal a kiss from him, his face forming a frown to keep up the facade. "Don't the bride and groom usually go from table to table during the wedding?"

"...." Enji lays there, face planting into my boobs. "Still, she could've talked to me."

I click my tongue and roll my eyes at him, quickly turning into a laugh when I lift his head with both of my hands. "Are you done whining now?"


"Yeah, right," I tap him on the shoulder, signaling him to let me go so I can get up. "Well we got things to do, so we have to get ready."

What I didn't anticipate was Enji actually complaining all day long.


"I mean, who does that?" Enji starts, though I'm not sure when he actually ever stopped. "A two month notice? Your aunt gave us a year ahead and it's still a few months away."

I roll over in bed, looking Enji dead in the eyes, trying to force down a smirk. "Sometimes it's hard to believe that you're in your forties."

"That's not funny," Enji says laying onto his back, putting on dramatic mode. "I mean—we didn't even know they were engaged!"

"I meannn, they're getting married," I shrug my shoulders, smiling when Enji glares at me.

"The shoes were expensive."

"That was going to be either way."

"They didn't even consider the time it will take for us to get our clothes fitted."

"They get finished next week."

"That's because I paid extra," Enji shoots me a look, his lips pouting. "And your things were the most expensive."

"I am a bridesmaid, so naturally it'd be."

"Everything was practically double its price because it's spring."

"Good thing you own an agency."

"And don't get me started on them not even telling me that they're together," Enji huffs out, a stubbornness to him. "Wait..."

Enji looks at me again, and I turn my head the other way.

"Did you know about the two of them?"

"I—I don't know what you're talking about," I say, my eyes scanning all over the place.

Enji props himself up onto his elbows, leaning over to look at me. "You knew about them?!"

"N—no, I'm just as surprised as you are," I trail off, seeing Enji stare into my soul in the corner of my eyes.

Enji raises his brow at me. "Your face was more of a it's about time than what the hell," Enji remarks.

"I did say 'what the hell'," I remind, Enji's stare getting more intense. "On the bright side, I didn't know about them being engaged."

Enji blows out a puff of air, his chest falling to the max. "My own girlfriend's keeping secrets from me. Who else can I trust?"

"Are you gonna hold a grudge all day?" I say, seeing on the clock that it's 9. "You've been at it for the past fourteen hours."

Enji leans further towards me until he's hovering over me, his arm draped over my chest and under my shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby," Enji lowers his head, his breath hot against my bottom jaw. "I didn't give you enough attention today."

Enji dives in for a kiss, to which I happily lean into, stretching it out into a deep make out session, my hands creeping up and resting on his chest.

This is the second most attention I've gotten all day—besides when I went to get fitted into my dress and we had a little session when the receptionist left the room.

We both slowly pull away from each other gasping for air, looking each other in the eyes.

"Some attention would have been nice," I admit, feeling a playfulness creep into my voice.

Enji pulls me closer to his body, his hands on my back. "Sorry baby, let's fix that."

Enji quickly reconnects our lips, fighting for dominance, his hands slowly and steadily lowering down my back and into my shirt, my breath hitching when his cool hands touch my skin.

I move my hands and gently grip his wrists, his brows furrowing and his lips pulling away from mines.

"What're you doing?" Enji asks, his voice needy.

"We have things to do tomorrow, we should get some sleep."

Enji raises a brow at me. "We don't have anything to do tomorrow."

"Well, then we should get some rest so we're not so tired," I suggest, a smirk inching its way up.

Enji pouts, which surprisingly makes my chest tighten. "But what about right now..! We have nothing to do tomorrow."

I pat Enji on the chest, his eyes following my hand for a split second, my lips pouting in mocking sympathy. "You're a grown man, you'll do just fine."

Enji pulls my body close to his in one fell swoop, every part of my body touching his, planting a kiss on top of my head.

Enji smirks. "Payback for all the complaining I've been doing all day?"

I snuggle my body deeper into his embrace, a smile forming on my face. "Precisely."

Enji chuckles, planting another kiss on top of my head, resting his head on mine. "Goodnight, baby."

I steal a quick kiss before nestling my head in the crook of his neck, my hands finding their home on his chest. "Goodnight, Enji."

Enji reaches over to his side of the bed and turns off the light, draping his arm back over me and wrapping it around my back.


"Just real quick?"


A/N: Sorry for posting late again! I got stuck on what to write for the first half of the chapter, the rest then coming to me.

One more chapter to go, woohoo!

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