Chapter Thirty One | Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Where do you think NightEye is?" Incognito asks, looking around the nearly over crowded area.

I join in her search, using my hand to shield the sunlight from my eyes. "Let's check with Aizawa. Maybe he knows."


When we get ready to jog back towards the group, a rush of nausea swarms my head. I stop short in my tracks, my shoes scrapping against the rubble.

"Are you okay, Ventriloquist?" Incognito asks, walking up to me.

I put my hand on my knee to support myself, my other hand held out in front of me, palm out.

"I'm...fine. Let's go check on NightEye."

Incognito's brows furrow, her face worried. "Are you sure? You might have a punctured lung from your ribs."

I really wish you hadn't brought that up. As soon as Incognito mentions my ribs and lungs, I all of a sudden find it very hard to function.

"I'll live. Let's get to him before my wounds start catching up to me," I suggest, not waiting for Incognito to move before running.

When we finally get to the group, I'm wheezing like a 90 year old man who went from point A, to point B. And they're not very far from one another.

"You...alright there, Ventriloquist?" Aizawa asks, cocking his brow at me.

I put both hands on my knees now, not being able to afford lifting one of my hands. "I'm fine, I'm...fine. Just tired."

"Yeah...okay. Whatever you say," Aizawa says, his attention turning to Incognito. "What do you need?"

"Do you know where NightEye is? We wanted to make sure he's doing okay."

"We brought him over to the ambulance right before you guys came out of battle," Aizawa answers, pointing back to where we just were.

"You gotta be shitting me," I say, in between breaths. "We just ran over here from there."

"Well my bad, grandma. Didn't know just simply running was so laboring for you," Aizawa remarks, his voice full of sarcasm.

"Shut. Up," I say, pushing my hands off my knees and into a standing position. "I'm perfectly fine."

"I seriously doubt that," Aizawa shot back, crossing his arms over his chest. "Your costume is bloody and your chest is...uniquely shaped."

"What are you...-" I look down at my chest, only now remembering the probably permanent footprint left by Chisaki. "Stop looking," I grumble.

"Just sayin'. You should probably get that checked out. We're done for the day," Aizawa suggests, still looking at my uniquely shaped chest.

"If you even think about laughing, I'll knock you out, Aizawa," I warn, glaring at him.

Aizawa puts his hands up, palm facing outward. "I would neverr laugh at you, Ventriloquist. How dare you assume I would do such a thing."

I smile. "Shut up, you liar. I hope a door hits you on the way to wherever you're going."

"Seeing how much of a better condition I am than you, you're more likely to be hit by a door," Aizawa retorts, smirking.

When I get ready to run, my body doesn't get the memo and I slowly fall, my ears ringing obnoxiously, and my vision blurry and sluggish.

"Well, it's about time you passed out," Aizawa calls out, walking over to me. "You looked like you had one foot in the grave."

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