Chapter Twenty | Emergency Pt.1

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Daiki finally turns his chair to face me, no longer to use his monitor as an excuse to ignore my persistence. "We don't even know what she was crying about you doi."

"She stormed out of the agency crying, Daiki. That's pretty obvious that they argued," I pointed out, spinning around in the chair.

Daiki raises his brow at me. "You wanna bet?"

"Yes," I immediately said, stunning Daiki.

"You really are eager to lose another 50, huh?"

I use the tip of my foot to pull the chair closer to Daiki. "We're going to bet whether or not boss and y/n will end up dating the end of the year."

"The year? You know how long that is? That's practically cheating, ya know," Daiki stated, ready to turn his chair back to the monitor.

I place my hand on the handle of his chair, stopping him from turning away. "It's only three months until the year ends. And if you're so determined that boss and y/n don't have any feelings for each other then it shouldn't be a problem, right?" I challenged.

"Sure, I'm in," Daiki and I shake hands on it.


Enji opens the door for me, to which I pace through and take a seat next to his desk chair. "I think we can finish the stacks due tomorrow and then call it a night."

"You said stacks?" Enji closes the door and looks at me with a disoriented expression. "Wha—where did all these papers come from..?!"

I raise a brow at Enji, trying to suppress my urge to laugh at him. "You seriously don't remember when I came by with the two stacks..?"

"No, I remember that part—you tripped over my shin," I don't think Enji meant it as a fireback, but I can't help but feel embarrassed. "But what about the other stacks?"

"How should I know? I only came to your office once—and that was last night," I take a stack of papers and slide it over to my right, ready for me to sign. "You don't remember anyone else coming in? Maybe Hiroko?"

Enji sits down on his desk chair, staring at his bookshelf from across the room. "Mm...maybe she did come in. That would make sense. Only the two of you really ever hand me paperwork."

"Just how long did you drink for, Enji?" I asked, slightly tilting my head.

Enji's flames come out of nowhere, giving away his blushing. "I—uh...drank for a few hours."

"For a few hours..?! What in the world," my face would be buried in a trash can if I tried that.

Enji clears his throat, the flames disappearing. "I had a rough week."

"No need to explain, not judging you," I said, resuming to the stack of paper. "Oh—did you find anything in the places that Nighteye assigned you?"

"No, I didn't. Nothing useful, anyways. All I found were abandoned buildings ready to be torn down," Enji said, officially signing one out of the hundreds of papers. "You?"

"No luck here either. I found the same as you," I said, signing away.

"Well I wouldn't worry too much about it. With having found over a hundred residents, one of them is sure to have the Yakuza," Enji reassured, getting up from his chair.

Just when I was about to agree, we both get a notification on our phones. We take out our phones and turn it on, and speak of the devil; NightEye requested all heroes come to his agency for an urgent meeting.

"Well that was quick," we get up from the chairs in unison, stuffing the phone into our pockets. "Barely got any work done."

Enji walks towards the same gigantic sliding window, reverting back to that same pose. But for some reason, it's not awkward, because I practically threw myself into the man's arms like it was common practice already.

"You ready this time?" Enji teases, smirking at me.

I scoff at him. "Yes, I'm ready," I reply with a sarcastic tone.

"So if I lean forward, you won't get scared?" Enji presses, his smirk getting wider.

My eyes widen, my mouth hung open. "You better not lean forward..!"

"I'm just playing. I wouldn't do that to you," Enji replies, shifting my position in his arms. "Hey, what do you think about going for dinner?"

"That sounds good. I have nothing to do—" and just like that, I'm out the window and falling out of a building all over again. I mentally get ready to clutch onto him again, but this time, I'm not scared.

"You got used to it pretty fast," Enji said, trying to hide the smirk I see creeping up again. "Pretty impressive seeing how you reacted last time."

"You have a bad habit of interrupting," I said, a hint of playfulness.

Enji chuckles, and even though I can't hear it because of the wind, I can feel it from his chest. Which reminds me that I'm once again in his arms. But I won't stare into his soul this time.

"I only do it to distract you while I jump," Enji explained, looking at me.

I smile at him. "I know. Just teasing you back," I said, returning the smirk.


We finally get to the agency, everyone already shuffling into the designated meeting room. When I get inside I spot Aizawa sitting down with an empty chair next to him.

I turn to Enji. "Is it alright if I sit next to Aizawa?"

"Yeah, go ahead," I give Enji a quick smile before speed walking towards Aizawa, plopping onto the empty chair.

"Heyya my favorite cousin," I very informally greeted, resting my head on his shoulder. "What have you been up to?"

Aizawa leans his head atop of mines, letting out a sigh. "My students' persistent desire to help out the girl Eri. Honestly, it's like they're trying to kill me..."

"Aww, you're showing your worried side again," I pointed out, wrapping my arm around his. "You know, letting your students know you care about them once a while won't be the end of the world."

"They know that I do," I glare at him to the best of my positioned heads ability, my eyes mostly capturing the wall on the far side. "What? They do know I care about them."

"Oh yeah? And what did you say to them then?" I pressed, half to be annoying and half out of curiosity.

"I told them that I would be joining this operation in case LOV was involved," Aizawa said, pausing for a moment. "And I told them to stick together and to do their bests."

I need to work on my childishness, because I get yet again get interrupted by the opening of doors and the appearance of NightEye. What an odd timing, it's like he knows what I'm about to say.

A/N: I will be taking a short break on the story. Just need some time to figure out what to write because I'm starting to get stuck :')

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