Polly Punishment

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Polly Punishment. That's what they called her. Why, because she  made every bastard that so much as talked about her behind her back got hurt or ended up in the hospital. She went to so many schools in the past and all of them recommend that she get help. Her mind wasn't stable and her heart was black.  She got a kick of watching some one dying, their souls leaving their bodies. 

Unfortunately she hadn't seen it completely. All her victims survived including her parents. Now she was stuck in a jail cell and labelled as mentally insane. Good, now she can do what she wanted and people wouldn't tell her to stop doing what she's was doing. They may try and stop her forcefully but that's as far as it will go.

She laid down on the bed. She was just waiting to go to some sort of asylum. Maybe get some shots, get put on medication. As long as she didn't have to think about what she did, getting high on the drugs was just a bonus.

She turned to lie on her side. And looked around the room. It's a was bit quiet and she hadn't seen the officer patrolling her cell in a while. She shot up. Somethings was not right. Luckily, she had the knife she hid in her hair. She was going to jail after all. Her strides were steady and confident as she walked to her cell door. 

What she saw was almost enticing. Two boys both sitting on their ankles, cutting a police officer into bits. Oh well, she thought. Bob deserved it. The scene however was a little to much for her and she ran to the toilet, puking up what little she had  to eat that day. She sat down next to the toilet. Not how she expected the day to go. 

She was surprised to see the two boys standing in front of the jail cell, the one with the blue mask was holding the cell keys. Polly stood up and walked as well as she could, her stomach twisting. 

"Well hello there." said the one with the smiley face on his mask. " We were just looking for you"

Polly raised a brow and tried very hard to look serious, she still felt a bit nauseous though. "You've heard of me?" 

"Your the one they call Polly punishment, right." Blue mask said like he was in a hurry.


"Well good." He opened the cell door. " If you want to get out of here you will follow us." They started walking. Polly didn't think twice before she ran after them. Chances like this came so rarely to her, she had to take it.


They were walking in the street quite far from the police station. There was so much blood and bodies on the floor, that it was a miracle that she didn't puke up her insides. 

She just kept walking, at least the fresh air was helping. 

"So.." she said walking up to blue mask, she hated the silence, it made her think. " I didn't get your names." Both of them look at her. Smiley's mask almost looked like it lit up.

"I am B.P. , it stands for bloody painter. You should see my art." Polly felt like he's was a bit too polite. After all they just massacred a police station and did not kill her.

 "And you. "she said tapping him the shoulder." What's your name." 

He looks at her sighing. "Eyeless Jack." He continues walking not saying anything else.

"You don't have eyes?"

"No he doesn't, just this black stuff that constantly leaks from his eyes."

Polly stopped walking. What did he just say? They stop walking and look at her. They are not normal.

"Well come on, you want your freedom don't you?" Jack said.

"What are you?"

They look to one another like they were caught doing something they weren't supposed to do. Then Jack lunges at her with all his weight knocking her to the ground. She struggles and tries pull her knife from her hair, but doing so she cuts her head in the process. She passed out because of the blood loss. At least now it was easier to get her to B.P.'s place.

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