The nightmare

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Jeff's P. O. V:

Jeff woke up and saw nothing. He tried lifting his limbs. He couldn't feel anything. Except that something was moving his body for him. 

He was dreaming, but couldn't wake up. This thing took control, Jeff sure as hell wasn't in charge anymore.

Was this what it felt like to be a useless sack of meat? An mindless being,unable to move,speak....scream.

He was exposed,he felt naked. He suddenly became aware of his surroundings. He saw everything,but he was paralyzed.

He couldn't react when the faceless fucker touched him. When the Jester was dressing him in manwhore sex clothes. He couldn't react when he was unfairly punished. He became Slender's obiedient, immortal pet Who seemed to lose all of his conscience thoughts. Lose all his feeling and his memories. He's forgotten who he was. His mind became a blank, but he couldn't forget him. 

He hung onto that memory, it was all he had left. I love you. That's what the eyeless one once said.


Hey iNky fans.

This is a really short chapter but I just wanted to let you know what went through Jeff's head just after he got kidnapped.

But don't worry Jack will be his knight and shining armor.

Not gonna spoil to much but hope you enjoyed.


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