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Adnos is pissed. Who did Jack thinks he was. Some sort of God?!

How dare he disobey him. He was supposed to hurt the bastard not fall in love with him. Even though Adnos was furious he figured out why Jeff was immortal. Slender, that faceless inconvenience was the only entity that could give an mortal eternal life. But why?

It's not like slender to give a person immortality for the kicks of it.  Maybe it was by accident....

No matter Adnos was just as powerful as slender. Even though he could not grant immortality himself. He could take it.


Jeff and Jack seemed a little distant after the incident. They went back to the hideout in silence.  However Jack had a really bad feeling. He always felt that way when Adnos was upset. 

Surely it can't be that bad.

Fortunately it seemed like Adnos wasn't there. Jack couldn't help but feel relieved. He'd rather deal with Adnos later.

"So..."Jeff said looking around. "What do we do when he's away. "

" Well...we prepare his meal."

"It early. Why make it at this time of day? He's not even here. "

Jack didn't think of the time, but Jeff was right. It was quite early.

"Your right. Guess we can do what we want for now. I'm just gonna go clean myself. After what happened."

Jack noticed Jeff's cheeks turn a faint pink for only a few seconds then disappear again.

"Fine, I'll be here." Jeff turned and walked towards his room. Jack stopped him before he entered.

"Why did you do it?"Jeff was perplexed.

"Do what?" He said stupidly.

"Don't act dumb."

Jeff sighed. What was he supposed to say? He let Jack have him because he wanted to repay him?

"Do I really need to explain it? I just did it, maybe I was just really in the mood."

Jack clenched his jaw. Did Jeff just use him. He expected Jeff to confess his love. Not admit that he did it for his own pleasure.

"Right...."Jack walked to the cleaning quarters. Jeff stared at him confused. Clearly not understanding why the face creep's behaving like that.

He shrugged. Was the way he said it...upsetting. He meant well. He was never good at communicating.Maybe he didn't understand what he meant.


Hey iNky fans soooo huge cliffhanger.


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