I'm sorry...

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I'm so sorry.

An innocently enough sentence. Polite if I may add.

It's used for many things, most apologizing to certain actions that you did not intend to do.

For example:

If you broke something.

If you made a mistake.

If you hit someone on accident.

Yet, it carries a deep, dark meaning.

Sorry is not a word that could be said light-heartedly, thrown around like skipping stones in water.

Sorry might be something you've done wrong but it was in fact right all along. But other people are just in denial. Jealousy.

Sorry is when someone continuously beats you, judges you, blames you just because they're jealous, yet you still forgive them.

Sorry is when you're dying, but someone you hold dearly is beside you, making you feel deeply guilty inside.

Sorry is  the tears running down your cheeks when the person you loved in the whole universe leave you in your arms.

Sorry is when you knew you could've prevented this from happening, could've done something, but you didn't.

Sorry is when you realize that nobody has ever liked you or even noticed all the hard work you did, stealing all your credit, throwing you aside in the trash.

Sorry is when you just want to end it all, but you couldn't.

Sorry is every second your heart slowly fades into nothingness, like it never existed in the first place.

Peter Parker is the true definition of sorry.

Peter Parker died on the night of January 1st, 12 o'clock in the morning.

Peter Parker's last words were, 'I'm sorry.'

Peter Parker was- Is dead.

Peter Parker died on new years with a smile on his face, knowing he could truly be free once again.


I know, this is bad, but I needed to update something :(

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