Vigilante meet-up day

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Hi, y'all. I got this idea from like, a second ago. And damn, I might be able to pull off 1500 words for this.


Peter looked at the calendar, grinning widely once he saw the red circle. Today was the day that every vigilante, no matter how brutal, meets up in a safehouse only they all know.

Daredevil, Punisher, Ghost Rider, Venom, Moon Knight, and others. All in a safehouse and doing ordinary people's stuff.

It wasn't like they discussed this or something, it was just a thing they all mutually agreed on without further discussion. (By that, Peter told Deadpool, who told everyone else, then came back to Peter knowing about it, then they all agreed.)

Now, he went along his day like any other. Go to school, go to class, gets taunted by Flash, chatters off with his friends, gets out of that disappointment of a prison, and finally goes on patrol.

Now, after the whole day, the spiderling had a feeling in his head, screaming at him like he forgot something important other than the meet-up, but he couldn't recall what it is.

Shaking off the feeling, he stopped a few muggings, a few attempted carjackings, and a small robbery. (The owner gave Peter an apple.)

Directly at 1 AM, he cracked his neck before swinging off.


Now, Tony knew he should've not even considered doing it but what can you do after getting heavily pressured into doing it?

They had a small argument, Avengers say he should go find Peter. Tony says he shouldn't since Peter can defend himself. And for the rest of the day, the other Avengers keep begging him to find Peter in fear that he might be kidnapped or something.

Just for clarification, Peter was supposed to visit today. He never skips a visit. Sure, he might be late sometimes but never not arrive.

The Avengers enjoy Peter's visits and always look forward to them but this was the first time he didn't arrive and it worries them a lot. They clearly underestimated him.

So they just 'sat and wait'.


"Guys, the tracker is saying that Peter should be over there," Steve said, pointing in front of him while keeping his eyes on his phone.

All of the Avengers, except Tony, Bruce, and Thor, walked over to the direction that Steve pointed to and saw a warehouse. Worry quickly spread through them.

"You think Peter was kidnapped?" Clint asked, worried.

"Only one way to find out."


"Cheers!" Everyone shouted, clinking their glasses together.

Everyone took a sip of their drinks, which were not alcoholic since some (all) of them are supposed to leave in the morning.

All of the vigilantes were just talking and laughing. All of their masks are taken off since they know each other's identity from the start. Matt and Peter were on the balcony, watching the others.

"Y'know, I thought it would be impossible to turn a rusty old warehouse into a humble abode," Peter whispered, leaning on the bar. "Thanks to you guys, this place looks amazing."

Matt smiled at Peter and whispered back. "It's nothing. I'm a blind man, I did nothing."

Before Peter got to respond, Marc shouted at him. "PETE! DO A FLIP!"

"Matt, duty calls. I shall talk to you later." Peter said before jumping off the balcony and doing a flip with his legs in a split and handing on the ground flawlessly. Everyone clapped and cheered at the stunt and Peter did a double flip.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and everyone stopped talking.

"Everyone, hide. I'll open it." Peter said, pulling on his mask while everyone else hid, erasing evidence that people other than him are in there.

Cautiously, Peter opened the warehouse door just a little, peeking through. "Who is it?" He asked, loading up his web grenades and sliding one outside before shutting the door.

"Peter it's us-" The voice was cut off by a loud explosion and Peter opened both of the doors.

"Guys?" Peter asked, completely in shock.

"Peter? Are you alright?" Steve asked.

Peter rolled his eyes and shut the door. "I'm fine, just doing things. Don't come in here." 


Hi y'all. Sorry that this is so short, I was lazy and unmotivated. ;)

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