The bands (EP 1)

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This is gonna be a mini-series.

This is an Avengers band AU, figure it out yourself, I'm not sending the link for the basic drafts and introduction. This AU is original and I and my online sibling have been working on it.



Loud music blasted through the big speakers, covering the crowd below. Bright-colored lights flicker through the crowd and the stage.

Screams, yells, and cheering was heard throughout the crowd. Most of them have glowsticks and were singing along to the lyrics while the rest were moving their glowsticks around.

On the stage, there stood a person. He had a crimson red gas mask, a dark blue zipper jacket with the hood flipped over his head, and a mix of honey and chocolate brown eyes. 

His front hair stuck through his hood like a sore thumb, and his hand had fingerless gloves that alternates from blue to white.

He was what they call 'DJ Spider'.

The music blasted through as he hit his launchpad (Search up launchpad if you don't know) while the crowd sang along to the music. He could feel the adrenalin basically pumping in his veins while he tapped the glowing board.

 When the music finally stopped, one of the workers passed him a microphone, causing the crowd to become curious.

"Hey guys! I have an announcement to make." His voice was soothing and calm, except the actual tone of the voice was muffled out by the gas mask.

The crowd immediately became silent.

"I'm going to collaborate with Deadpool and DareDevil for the next few songs, we may collaborate more in the future but that's all."

The crowd cheered loudly, throwing their glowsticks up in the air, and happy for him.

"And my hair's going RAINBOW!"

If cheering louder than the loudest you can is possible, let's just say that the neighboring buildings are having problems sleeping right now.

They were screaming things like 'SPIDER'S GOING RAINBOW!' and 'I LOVE YOU SPIDER!' and things like that. The crowd was sharing the information like crazy.

"Thank you guys for joining my concert! 50% of the  money are all going to charity and other people in need! Help them by donating if you want! I hope you guys have a great night and DJ SPIDER OUT!"

He dropped his mic and walked away to the backstage, waving at the crowd while they all cheered.

When he arrived backstage, he opened his trailer and stepped in with 2 other people in the trailer.

MJ, his best girl friend (not girlfriend, there's a difference), is his organizer. She helps him organize concerts, meet & greets, and sort out collaborations. She sometimes help out with some of his music as well.

Ned, his best boy friend (again, there's a difference), is his blogger. He helps him share out public announcements and is his guy in the chair. He occasionally helps out with his lyric singing alongside MJ.

Peter pulled his gas mask away from his mouth, pulling back his hood, and taking off the jacket completely.

"Ned! MJ! Did you see that?!" Peter cheered, he wasn't one with attention at school but he is one with attention outside his school life.

"Yeah man! The fans love you!" Ned cheered with him, his hands flying up into the air.

"That was cool and all loser, but we have 3 assignments, 4 projects, and 5 presentations to finish." MJ stated, causing the lives to drain out of Peter and Ned.

Peter stretched his body, pulled his leg up in a split, and curved his body backwards. He grabbed his laptop and sat next to Ned and MJ.

"Let's get started, shall we?"


Sorry for the short chapter, I have no idea how l write this, so if you do, please comment it.

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