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Hiya, this is an AU where Peter builds a robot [The reason has been scratched for spoiler reasons]. Natasha didn't die. Cap didn't get old. Tony never snapped :)

[Warning: Angst, post-Endgame]


"I'm sorry, Tony."


He snapped. Peter Snapped. It wasn't supposed to happen. It should've been him.

He's just got him back and now he's gone forever.


The Avengers sat in the living room, the room was silent, barely anything was heard.

It had been 3 days, 8 hours, 47 minutes and 52 seconds since Peter died and none of them were taking it well. Without Peter, the room was just dull. No life.

Until FRIDAY suddenly started talking.

"Protocol: I'm dead, commit arson, take me out like I deserve has activated. Building PTR... Downloading coding... Building and download complete. I miss Peter too, hope this thing Peter made can help."

The Avengers jumped in surprise, grabbing their weapons. Then, a figure walked into the living room and everyone shot their weapons.

The figure dodged bullets, arrows, a repulser shot, Cap's shield, and weirdly, a vase before landing on the floor on his feet and cracking a joke.

"C'mon man, I just arrived. Cut me some slack will you?"

All eyes snapped on the figure, who looked dangerously like Peter.

"...Peter?" They all mutter.

'Peter' looked at them before smiling sadly at them while tilting his head.

"I'm sorry, I'm not the real Peter. I'm a robot you know." The robot said, "He knew he had to snap, he knew he had to sacrifice himself, especially for you guys. But hey! Look on the bright side! He made me!"

Robot Peter smiled brightly at the Avengers, who were slowly tearing up from the memory of Peter.

"C'mon, I know I may not be the real thing but he said, and I quote, 'don't be sad, because sad backward is 'das', and das not good." Robot Peter joked while laughing a little. "I'm a self-aware AI, he coded me to be just like him, so you guys won't have to remember that I'm a robot. Anyways..."

"PTR introduction complete, rebooting complete in 3... 2... 1..." FRIDAY interrupted.

"Hey guys, why so gloomy? Mr. Barton, wanna play Mario Kart?"

The Avengers wiped their tears and smiled while robot Peter stuck onto the ceiling and ran to the couch, plopping himself on it and grabbing a controller. "What are you waiting for? If you don't come soon, I'm gonna beat your high score!"

Clint chuckled before running over. "Don't be too cocky you little shit!" 

"Language!" Steve shouted and everyone laughed.












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