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Hi, y'all. This is inspired by a TikTok I saw and it sure as hell looked epic.

[Warning: angst]


Peter brushed off the sweat from his forehead as he viewed his creation. He worked on this dress for 3 and a half months, making it as perfect as achievable. He had lost time while making it as well, sometimes pulling all-nighters, and sometimes skipping school, but it was worth it.

After hearing Pepper saying how much she wanted a new dress at every girls' night (Which he participated in since they wanted him to join), he made it his solitary mission to make her the dress she wanted so badly. And to make her stop whining to them cause after hearing it lots of times like it's a recording on repeat, it gets irritating.

The dress was a beautiful pearl white with hand-sewn patterns on, made from lotus silk and lace decorating it with handmade silk flowers flowing from the top left to the bottom right.

He spent over 1000 dollars on the materials, using the money from his account to buy everything, the pins, the needles, everything.

He just hoped Pepper liked it, or at least, wouldn't completely reject it.


[Time skip, the next day, Pepper's birthday]


Peter was excited for Pepper. She was at work right now and comes off in a few minutes. But, being the worried and anxious person he is, he went and did a few more checks on the dress before sighing in relief and going to the bathroom.


Sam and Bucky strolled around the bedroom halls before catching Peter exiting his room and closing the door. They didn't know what he has been doing for the last 3 and a half months and they sure were not happy about that. Giving each other a look, they nodded t9 each other and quickly slipped into Peter's room, facing the white dress.

And they had a terrible idea.

Snickering to themselves, they decided to mess with the dress by cutting parts out, drenching and staining the fabric in leftover coffee in one of the many mugs in his room before sticking a sticky note on the head reading 'nothing u make with make the girl fall in love with u' and left the room, laughing lightly.


When Pepper arrived at the penthouse after a long day of work, she was immediately startled by everyone except Peter yelling 'Happy Birthday!' to her, and before she could reply, a loud cry echoed through the halls. They immediately ran over to where it came from and opened the door, only to see Peter clutching onto a chipped and drenched dress while crying his eyes out, yelling out. Peter's yell drained out and he shut his eyes.

"No..." He sobbed out, slowly dropping onto the ground and curling inside himself.

Pepper immediately went up to him and hugged him. "Who's this dress for?" She asked, wiping away the tears with her thumb.

"It-" He sniffled before continuing, "It was supposed to be your birthday present..." Peter muttered before tears continued to flow out.

This time, Pepper's tears started flowing out of her eyes. She wiped it away before hugging the boy once more.

Sam and Bucky felt intense guilt flowing through them, they didn't know that it was for Pepper. They thought it was for some girl at his school and wanted to embarrass him.

The Avengers left the pair in Peter's room silently before returning to the living room.

Immediately upon entering, Natasha slammed her fist on the counter leaving a fist-sized dent in the marble.

"OKAY, WHO THE FUCK MESSED UP PETER'S GIFT?!" She yelled with pure rage in her tone.

The boys were terrified by Natasha, then dashed away from the enraged woman, leaving Bucky and Sam stranded with nowhere to go.

She snapped her view to the pair before knocking them out.

"FRIDAY, who destroyed Peter's dress?" she asked 'calmly'.

"It was Mister Wilson and Mister Barnes, Miss Romanoff," FRIDAY replied, showing the footage on the TV.

"Oh, now you're getting it." She whispered to herself before punching their faces hard.


"I just put Peter to sleep, who was it?" Pepper asked, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "Who ruined Peter's dress?"

"Wilson and Barnes, they're hanging off the tower at the moment," Natasha answered, looking at the completed dress from the screen. "It was so beautiful."

Pepper sat down beside the spy, looking at the screen. She was mesmerized by the beauty of the dress, too bad that Sam and Bucky ruined it. "Yeah, I got a look at Peter's account and apparently, it was over a thousand dollars."

"And he sewed the flowers himself."

"It was perfect." She muttered, looking at Natasha. "He's such a sweet boy, who in the world could ever deserve him?"

"No one, Pep." Natasha muttered, "No one."


Hi y'all, sorry if this is short. I'm just a tad bit stressed lately. Thanks for reading :)

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