ABO Fix-it

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Hi, this story is a fix-it for the sexist ABO stereotypes.

Peter is not Spider-Man. He runs a hotline for Omegas in distress.

Warning: mention of abuse, sexism.


As an Omega, Peter has troubles in his life. A lot of troubles. That's why he hates the creator of the ABO system, who was originally sexist as fuck and regretted his decision when he was set as an Omega.

Everyone underestimates Omegas. Only a selected few are the self-proclaimed, 'weak Omegas'. He was not one of them. After he realized that even the strongest Omegas get abused, he started a hotline for them.


Peter was in class with his Beta friends, Ned and MJ, when he got a call. He took out his phone silently without being noticed by the teacher since it was on the frequency that only Omegas can hear. He found it to be an unknown number and slipped it back into his pocket without answering or declining it. Peter raised his hand.

"Ms, can I go to the bathroom please?"

The teacher looked at Peter before accepting. Peter got up from his seat and quickly walked out of the classroom and strolled into the bathroom. Quickly entering a stall and locking it, he took out his phone, which was still ringing. He quickly accepted the call.

"Hello, this is Peter's Omega hotline, how may I help you?"

He said in a welcoming tone like he would in any other call. This line and its tone were memorized by heart.

"He-hello, this is Tony Stark, and I want out of here."


Peter left the school without notifying the teacher or the staff, only a note on the bathroom counters.

He climbed the ladders behind the school and stood on the rooftop. He pulled out a grappling hook and shot it at a building that was closest to the school.

Retracting it, he leaped, causing his body to jerk up toward the direction that the grappling hook was shot. After landing, he started dashing, his hands flew behind his back and his body leaned forwards. He used his grappling hook multiple times, flying from one rooftop to another.

He landed for the final time and was on a rooftop directly in front of the Stark Tower.


Peter got into one of the janitor closets via the vents.

"FRIDAY, where's Tony?"

"He is in the lab hiding from Steve Rogers."

Peter took a deep breath before jumping back into the vents.


After a few torturous minutes of twisting, turning, and crawling later, he finally found the lab FRIDAY mentioned.

He looked around the room and saw no one but Tony hiding in a corner. He silently took off the vent gates and hopped down the vents, scaring Tony.

"Mr. Stark, are you okay? Any injuries?"

Tony shook his head.

"No injuries, a bit shaken up but I'm fine."

Peter nodded his head.

"Are you okay with a broken window? I'm gonna need you to trust me if we need to get out of here without opening the door."

Suddenly, Peter heard loud, violent bangs on the door to the lab. Peter didn't wait for an answer and grabbed Tony by the waist and smashed the window with his back, earning a few cuts from the pieces of glass shards slicing through his skin, making him bleed, but it's nothing that won't heal.

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